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Wollensak 159mm f/12.5 Velostigmat Extreme W.A. in Copal shutter


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I am thinking a buying a used Wollensak 159mm lens. I like it because

it is very compact and weighs very little. Does anyone know how this

lens would compare to a Super Symmar 150mm XL. The intended purpose

for this lens is black and white architecture and landscapes on 8X10.

Weight and space are of concern, but not if quality has to be

compromised. Trying both lenses at the moment is not an option.

Thank you all for your responses.

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I own and use the Wollensak 159mm. It is a very good landscape lens if you stop down and primarily contact print. It does not have sufficient coverage to do serious architecture work. It is excellent for its price and size. However, it will not have Super Symar XL type performance or movements. The 150 SSXL will be much heavier than the Wollensak, though it is lighter than most other 8x10 lenses (except the Wollensak or Dagor) at that focal length.
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I own a couple of them that work well. The pricipal problem is that they are unsynchronized. These aren't really as sharp as Super Angulons, but they are certainly up to 4 or 5 diameters of enlargement.


These lenses are 4 element wide angle lenses similar to Kodaks Wide Field Ektar.


Wollensak was a major league designer of optics. Unfortunately, the owner died and except for their tape recorder business, the whole thing collapsed.





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