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Successor to Rebel XT?


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Yes, it will be called the Rebel YZ and will have a built in pizza oven.


If you send me $2800 I will fed-ex one to you.


Seriously, there might be one announced around September if canon keep to their 18

month cycle. MAYBE.


Nobody who knows will tell you anything and anybody who tells you something doesn't

know, they're just guessing.


Look up what happened in Jan/Feb this year with the 30D coming up to the




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"An entry level DSLR has to be 10 mp, now. "


Yeah, it will propel the pixel peeping and 4 x 6 print experiences straight into hog heaven.

2MP of additional sensor area ain't gonna make any diff. I don't care and very few others will


Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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It would be good for all of us if all entry level dslr are 10mp or higher, Even if someone does'nt care, there is nothing wrong with a 10mp dslr. But I think it is unlikely the next rebel would be 10mp. Would'nt you like it ,If CANON will replace the rebel with a 12mp camera body? But if you dont like a jump in pixel count, Just stick with your 6 or 8MP body. and deny the improvement a higher pixel count could bring.
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The market will force all DSLR manufacturers to go >10 MPixel in the next future. But let us have a closer look at the signal-to-noise ratio of the new sensors. If Canon's 8.2 MPix proves to be much better in S/N they might be able to stay with their current resolution for one more DSLR generation.



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10mp. YEAAAAAAH HAAAAAWWWW!<p> I want one, and I want it <big><big><b>NOW</b></big></big>.


While it is true that jump from 8mp to 10mp is less significant than a jump from 1mp to 2mp, it is still an improvement. And yes. . .I actually would expect S/N ratio to IMPROVE at high ISO settings. You see, I still believe that this technology has room to move <i>forward</i> and is not ready for <i>stagnation</i>.


Remember, about a year ago everyone thought a $3000 Full Frame dSLR was a fantasy. No one even believed the leaked 5D specs because no one believed that the technology could produce a full frame sensor at that price point.

<p>I found the 30D release to be a huge disappointment because by using the old 20D sensor, Canon was hoping for <i>stagnation</i>. A reduction in R/D Yen, with only marginal reduction in sales volume. Thats what happpens when Nikon fails to keep up. Fortunately. . .Sony is stepping up. Canon has a (minor) quandry. Hopefully, they have a 10mp (or better yet. . .12mp) APS-C sensor on the shelf ready to go. Then they can produce a Rebel XS to compete in short order.

<p>Of course. . . .then the Rebel XS could very well be superior to the 30D. GOOD. Then they can bring out the 30Dn with a new sensor like they should have in the first place.


Now, if they would just make the 1/3 ISO settings truely amplifier adjustments instead of RAW manipulation. . . .I would buy one <b>tomorrow</B>. Even with a 10% price increase.


<b>Are you listening Canon?</b> 30D with 12mp sensor and true 1/3 ISO settings ! ! <big>My credit card is waiting to order ! ! <big>Don't delay! ! ACT NOW! ! </big></big>Those Sony units look pretty sweet. . . .

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If CANON already finished the design and started producing parts for the next rebel, for september release . I think it would be too late for them to change thier design today. but I might be wrong.


It would really surprise me ,though, If CANON comes up with 10mp or more camera . all things the same, the more pixels the better. That way, we only have the lens' resolution to worry about.

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What i would appreciate most would be a decent sized bright viewfinder...on an entry-level DSLR of any megapixel count.


My first macro shoot in early morning light with a 350D last weekend told me a lesson.

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<p>Yes, it is all speculation...


<p>... but I'm hopeful that the dSLR market is about to become more competitive. Not

that I'm going to move away from Canon - too much invested now - but the possibility of

competition at the "consumer dSLR" level could be good for all segments.


<p>Whatever one thinks about the significance - or lack thereof = of having a 10.2 MP


sensor rather than an 8 MP cropped sensor, having competition among at least two

recognized companies (Sony and Nikon) in this segment is likely to require a response

from Canon. It would be harder for Canon to make the case for the 350D and 30D for


buyers</i> - and there are plenty of these folks in the dSLR market.


<p>Assuming that the 10MP cropped sensors are competitive with the 8MP version -

fairly likely, I'd say - there are many interesting possibilities:



<li>Canon could upgrade the Rebel to 10 MP, but what would happen to the relatively new

30D? It seems too soon to refresh it, but it would be perceived to lag behind if it remained

at 8 MP.</li>

<li>If Canon <i>did</i> also upgrade the 30D to 10.2MP, this would diminish the

<i>perceived</i> advantages of the 5D for many buyers, at least with the current 2:1

price differential. (Yes, I understand the advantages of full-frame, but I'm thinking about

the <i>wider market</i>, where such perceptions about MP/price make a bigger


<li>If Canon upgraded the 5D to, say, 16 MP at some point as part of a realignment of

their products, this would have an even greater effect on sales of the 1 series cameras.</




<p>There are other possibilites that I won't list since this message is already too

long... ;-)


<p>The real issues for Canon seem to my unsophisticated eye to be:



<li>the possibility of strong competition from at least two other sources at the Rebel and

30D levels.</li>

<li>increasing MP count at the low end has a negative secondary effect on their higher

products: 30D and 5D.</li>

<li>it is very soon in the product cycle to upgrade the 30D, yet an upgrade to the Rebel

might neccesitate just that.</li>



<p>Interesting times...

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well i don't think the next rebel would be a 10mp purely because the more expensive 30d still has 8.2


besides it's not about the pixel count, it's about how you use it, Nikkon have been sitting at 6mp and that hasn't harmed their sales because (even though i prefer canon) the camera's are still very good.


Sony are always releasing this and that, but their problem is that they never make things that are backwards compatible... i've had so many sony camera's/laptops all of them now useless. if i had just invested in an EOS camera all those years ago i would stil be able to get new products for them. It's like the release of the sony R-1 a few months ago. My work place was adament that they should get one instead of a 20d. a few months down the line they release the alpha range and now the expensive R-1 seems like a stupid choice.

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It is all good speculation, my own two cents is in the full frame and 1.3 crop sensors; there is so much room for Canon to grow pixels on those platforms. I "believe" the small 1.6 sensor is near its physical limits of quality imaging (low noise and lens resolution).


I am so over the small viewfinder and more difficult manual focus these little sensors force on us.

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I agree with the previous poster regarding Canon not wanting to hurt 30D sales. The only logical time to increase the pixel count would be at a time when Canon planned to overhaul both the 30D and Rebel lines. To release a rebel that was in some ways BETTER than its semi-pro big brother would be simply silly. I'd agree that what we'd probably see in a rebel upgrade would be picture styles, a big screen, and maybe a very useful print/share button. Then again, I don't work for Canon and I'm just running my mouth while I drink my coffee. Oh, as long as we're in fantasy land here, I'd like to see a true pro crop factor body. It would have 1 series controls, weather seals, and all that niceness but would still be as compact as a 20D. Not gonna happen, of course, but it would be nifty
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I heard there will be a special Hello Kitty edition for the Japanese market. The red Kiss logo

will be replaced with a pink kitty. Too bad they don't plan to sell it in North America. I think

the cult of cute would do well in opening up the DSLR market to teenage girls and whimpy


Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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