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POW discussion and manipulated or not


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In the present case, you check (or not) a box stating not manipulated, with

the assumption that if it is not checked that it is manipulated.<p>Perhaps

there should be two boxes for checking at submittal. One saying manipulated

and one saying not manipulated. Have the software require one to be actually

checked rather than making an assumption as the present case does ...

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Ben ... certainly one can talk about manipulated or not but my point is that the present question assumes that if you don't check the box that the assumed answer is that the submittal IS manipulated. Of course, most people (myself included) don't or have never checked the box even though we are submitting non-manipulated shots. In my time on PN, I have seen numerous discussions (even with POW shots) about this subject. A simple change could be abused but at least it would actually require a definitive statement by the photographer ... something we really don't have now. I'm still convinced a change on the submittal page would make a difference ... and be a lot better and clearer for all.
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I agree that it would be helpful to have a yes or no answer to whether a photo has been manipulated. Photo.net has defined what they consider to be an unmanipulated image, so it is not entirely subjective. Whether a photo has been manipulated or not certainly makes a difference in the way I approach its critique and rating.
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I remain convinced that PN should require an explicit statement at submittal that a shot is either 1) manipulated or 2) not-manipulated ... and have the software recognize a non-ambiguous singular affirmation and require changes on ambiguous inputs before allowing the submittal to proceed. Seems that this would be a very good change. Of course, it would require some changes in our submittal habits (like mine for example!).
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I even add an orange traffic light between the green and the red.<p>

[ ] unedited (only resize for post)<br>

[ ] unmanipulated (as photo.net guideline defines it)<br>

[ ] manipulated<p align="justify">

Many of mine are marked as "unmanipulated" but many are worked on post prod (at least colour/contrast/levels adjustements - I'm right with photo.net guideline). I'd like to be fairer with photographers who make *all the work* before pushing on the shutter.</p>

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You're essentially asking for "unprocessed". It might be interesting as a group assignment where each member has access to the RAW file and gets a chance to finish the job according to his/her own preferences. Other than that, what's the point?


When we talk about getting it right in camera, it's about having all the "information" you need in the file to get the results you want. Pros shoot RAW, even with large jobs, then batch process.

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