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wild ideas for next gen ist D...


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With ist DL ready to hit the market, I am sure Pentax engineers are

working on good innovations for the next generation DSLR, most likely

the next version of istD for the advanced amateurs or pros. I was

wondering if we can collectively think of some ideas, practical or

not, that we would like to see from Pentax. Here are couple of ideas:


1. a preview of the exposure histogram on your viewfinder before you

take the shot.

2. a 0.75x 'wide-converter' that goes between the body and the lens so

that we can use the old classic Pentax wide-angles?

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I'd like to see a little more solid body, something closer to ISO50 rather than ISO200 (If I understand correctly the other *ist D bodies). Digital stabolization in the body would be nice, oh and a name, ANY NAME, other than *ist.
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Now that I have a brand new DS,


1. Image stabilization in the body.

2. ISO 50

3. Larger CCD

4. Height extended internal flash rather than just the popup about an edge.


Other nice things:

5. single button to switch between RAW and among JPEG modes at the highest resolution. Display current image quality on the top panel.


6. A dock that can recharge the battery in the camera (like the Kodak Easyshare dock) or in an attachment and for image transfer.




Upgradable CCD module for higher resolution. Just dreaming. No vendor would do this for business/profit reasons even if that were feasible.

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I definitely like the idea of a dock to recharge the battery. Won't it be nice to have the same dock allow download of the images to your computer through USB2?

ISO 50 or even ISO 100 will be sweet. How about a dial or a manual selector button for ISO instead of a menu? and a custom menu option to set everything back to some default datum of you preference, in case you forget to change ISOs, exposure settings or WB from last time?

some sort of protection for the 3" lcd screen?

electronic imprint of some user selectable choices of viewfinder without taking away the brightness for e.g. a choice to divide the VF into rule of thirds?

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I know all of us wishing for a full frame sensor, but by today's standards its expensive. I would much rather have Pentax design a reasonably priced DSLR and provide more options on affordable but quality wide angle lenses designed for DSLRs.

When is that 12-24 F-DA going to show up?

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I'd love a full frame sensor, but the technology is still too expensive.


Speeding up the memory card interface would be good, but there is still time needed to process the image before it's saved.


I've got the *ist-D and I think the user interface is better than any camera I've seen -the only change I'd like to see is for the ISO to be displayed.


The write to CF speed on the D is too slow. A bigger buffer wouldn't hurt. It would be a smart thing to let it use both CF and SD. I want a faster interface because the USB 1.1 on the D just doesn't cut it


I'd like a standard USB connector (with the ability to draw power and charge the battery - so we can loose the DC in socket). I'd like the remote release / usb / video / and X-sync connector to have a single good quality cover over them. That's the only gripe I've got with the body - those rubber covers don't inspire confidence.


If they come out with an 8MP *ist-D with USB and a decent write speed I might buy one ... but I'm expecting to wait for the next generation - 11MP full frame I hope.

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As of now, I will simply settle for a better body ergonomics ( might be pattered after the MZ-S ) and the 12 MP sensor as used in the D2X. I certainly wouldn;t mind a Full frame but I am not counting on it.


And BTW, Pentax need to get their software part sorted out !

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I just checked, the street price on Nikon D2X is ~$4K and Canon EOS 1DS Mark II is $750. I belive the latter only has a full frame sensor. I don't know about you guys, but I can't afford that kind of money to buy a serious DSLR. I would like to thank Pentax to keep things affordable for serious amateurs and I would be happy with a next gen ist D with better ergonomics, data transfer rate (inside and outside) and some more good innovative additions, leaving the APSC sensor size as is.
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I was actually thinking about the sticky plug and strap. If the lug is right near the "SMC Pentax DA" logo or the lens serial number, it should work.


I have one of those sticky thing for my other lens and is quite useful. But I have always thought it is better to have a lug on the lens rather than having to use the camera.

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Docking station is passé. In a few years, everything will be wireless. So I vote for Bluetooth on the new ist* D. Firewire would be nice too.


I would love to see digital backs for my LX too, but it ain't gonna happen. Pentax would sell 10,000 DLs for every LX digital back sold. OTOH, a good professional-grade DSLR that competes with Nikon/Canon's higher-end ($1000-1500 body) would be much more profitable. The *ist D just isn't cutting it right now.


As far as wizbang gadgetry goes, the only one I would pay money for is some form of CCD cleaning device (e.g. Olympus's Ultrasonic Shockwave filter). Otherwise, keep it simple.


My No.1 wish on the *ist D revision: MECHANICAL APERTURE LINKAGE, so that older M and K mount lenses would operate correctly.

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Mechanical aperture linkage - thats an excellent idea. What stops Pentax from doing that given that its the only company that supports all the lenses from the past? I know my Pentax ist DS supports the A lenses very well and I use the K, M and S mount lenses quite often in aperture priority mode. I think ist D lets you do that too with the firmware update. But mechanical linkage would be highly welcome.

And while we are it, is there any way Pentax can allow matrix metering with the K, M and S mount lenses? I know of people who can mechanically hack these lenses to allow marix metering, but can Pentax accomodate this in the camera body?

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One way to allow for matrix Metering with older MF lenses (without modification to the lens) is to build into the firmware a list of selectable legacy Pentax lenses. When the camera body detects a non-A or non-AF lens, it queries the owner what lens it is by presenting a list of know Pentax lenses. You simply choose the correct one from list, and now the camera knows the lens parameters (focal length(s), aperture min/max, etc.)


If you have a lens that is not on the list, the camera allows you to configure the parameters and 'name' the lens. It would also be easy firmware implementation to make the camera remember a list of 'FAVORITE' lenses, which will make selection even easier every time you change lens by limiting the default selection to those you own.


All I described above are pure firmware and can be applicable to current production *ist D, DS, and DL bodies, as well as future DSLRs. The question is: does Pentax have the gumption to do it?

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I never thought about the software route to this - pretty neat! If Pentax cannot do it, can they open it up to the crowd for developing the firmware? Better yet, can firmware be made flexible so that users can enter the lens controlling parameters through a PC. It would be really nice to enter user selectable parameters for the legacy lenses for which there is no support for Matrix metering. talk about digital advantage!
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You know, combining the firmware mods with a mechanical aperture linkage means that the DSLR body will be functionally fully-compatible with virtually every K-mount lens ever produced. This is a unique marketing advantage for Pentax, since Canon and Nikon have burnt the bridge by severing compatibility with their old MF lenses.


I can just about guarantee Pentax will boost DSLR sales by at least 10% if they come out with this firmware mod next month and advertize it. I work with embedded systems engineering in my line of work, and this mod would be so easy...

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No doubt! I have bought into Pentax DSLR strictly to use my inventory of old Pentax glasses. In addition to the firmware supporting older K and M mount lenses, it will be a real plus if it supports screw mount lenses. Users can program and develop the exposure curves at different f-stop & shutter speed setting and then exchange the custom lens settings module on a forum like this.

Come on Pentax!

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I'm with Volfy and the others on this one ... BRING BACK THE APERTURE LINKAGE !!


I have had my DS for about a month now - took it on vacation and have shot about 1000 pictures with it. I love it. I use all my old M lenses with it, but .... Using the DS in manual mode and having to press the AE/lock button to get an exposure reading is just a pain in the neck. I've deleted lots of images simply because I got the exposure wrong because something changed in the scene and I forgot to press the stupid button. My old K1000 with it's "primitive" meter needle was far easier to use - it gave you constant feedback in the viewfinder about exposure conditions.


You know - thinking about it, I think the human race is going technologically backwards: In the 20th Century, we had manned Moon landings, super-sonic passenger aeroplanes and open-aperture meter readings. In the 21st century, we can't even return the Space Shuttle to flight, have grounded Concorde and made cameras harder to used. Go figure .....

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I agree with you - brinng back the mechanical aperture linkage.


But in the meantime....

Have you figured out that when using the M lenses on ist DS, the depth of field preview button (the one on the on-off button) can be used to get a reading of exposure (-3 to +3) in place of the F stop in your viewfinder? Pretty clever design feature by Pentax but its hidden deep inside the manual.

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