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Rawshooter Premium

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I have been using Rawshooter Essentials and love it!

I downloaded Rawshooter Premium for free 2 week trial and love it even more.

Its faster and more user feindly than anything else Ive tried including CS2 and

Canons own equivelant

I now see that Adobe have bought the company and are not selling Premium any


Does any one know how I can get hold of a full version (I dont mind paying!)

Im desperate as the free trial expires in 5 days

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I don't know if it's possible to do what you want. I can't even remember the registration process, and I'm unwilling to sell you mine anyway, so I'm no help here.


I was totally irked that Rawshooters was bought out only to be buried in an Adobe archive somewhere. But for right now, with the camera I have, Rawshooters Premium was well worth the money I paid for it. I'll have to do something else when I upgrade cameras sometime in the future though. Sure would have been nice if Adobe had given 30 days notice or something.


Adobe Lightroom looks like it has potential, but it is (typically for Adobe) far to comprehensive in file management, etc., and looks to be far too expensive as well (another typical for Adobe). I like small tools that work well, and work fast.


I wish you luck.

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I think you're screwed.


For alternatives you could try Phase One's Capture One. LE is closest in price. (My big complaint with LE is that it doesn't have a straighten tool.) It is quicker than it used to be but still isn't nearly as fast as RSP. With Magne's profiles it has wonderful color.


Have you tried Bibble?

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Opinions about Raw converters are very personal and you will find many threads on this site.

RSP is dead.

Review what aspects of raw conversion are important to you.

If it's colour, many people including myself complained about RSE & RSP. Detail was excellent but less good on non-Canon where there could be horrible side effects e.g. with Panasonic LX1.


Canon's own DPP is unfairly criticised in my opinion. It gives excellent colour and good sharpness although is awkward to use. Its main downsides are poor control & recovery from highlight clipping and non-user-friendly noise control. It even has an adequate batch facility. Capture One has great colour but I've not used it myself.

Adobe is easy to use but colour and sharpness are not the best.

Good luck whichever way you go.

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