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Not a bad inexpensive macro lens (Phoenix 100mm)


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FYI, wanting to find an inexpensive macro lens for the D70, I kept

reading various queries and responses on this board. Being fairly

new to photography, I really didn't know how much I'd use the macro

lens so I didn't want to put $400-$700 in one right now (it's

golfing weather and one must have their priorities in line....).

Even in used lenses I couldn't find quite what I thought was a good

fit. But I stumbled across a review of the Phoenix 100mm f3.5 macro

lens and did some more research and found most people thought the

optics were half way decent but the outer casing was fairly cheap.

So I took the plung and I must agree. When you hold it you think if

you drop it, it'll shatter. But I can't say I'm disappointed with

the results.




This is one photo I took today. Granted, it might not be the most

amazing shot (but factor in I am a newbie...) but for the $150, I'm

pleased and really think I'll be able to say I'll get my monies

worth out of it...


just an fyi for those out there looking for something decent that

won't break the bank...


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Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Phoenix is Vivitar with just different stamping on the lettering. I have overheard at camera fairs and seen posted before that the Vivitar 90mm-100mm macro was one of the all time best in macro area and for about 1/3 to 1/4 the cost of Nikon.


For less than $130 dollars, you can't go wrong.

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That image is the JPG straight off the camera with no sharpening or any alteration what so ever. It is an AF lens and works pretty well, its a little noisey but then again its only a $150 lens. As far as the metering goes, I can't answer that yet as I didn't even pay attention to the metering on those shots. But I'll look into it and see what I can find.
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Most of those "Brands" of lenses are Cosinas, which are very good. there was a display on the Cosina website a few yers ago with absolutely stunning shots of flowers taken witht that $130 lens. I have just bought a used one for $40 that is spectacular. Better than my Nikon Micro in many ways.



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Having owned this lens for a while I can say that it's pretty sharp, although it's the plastickiet piece of junk I have ever put on my camera. But as long as you don't drop it or sit on it, it's worth the money for getting you metering with cameras like the D70.


Armando, I think the 90 to 100mm Vivitars you are referring to are the series one manual focus lenses that have often come up in this forum. I know of the 90/2.5 and also the 105/2.5 which I now use. Beautiful lens.



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Just to chime in my agreement: about two years ago I was able to purchase a slightly used Phoenix 100mm. macro lens on ebay for a very low price (I believe about $65). Yes, the build quality is laughable, but the optics are fine. I got some terrific insect photos with it. You need use a front-threading diopter to reach 1:1, but even at high magnification the results are quite good.


I actually was fortunate enough to receive a Tamron 90mm. f2.8 macro from my dear wife last Christmas, so I passed on the Phoenix to my high school-aged son, who was taking a photo class. The Phoenix enabled him to create some dazzling black-and-white closeup photos to fulfill class assignments. His photos using this lens were so good that some classmates whined that it was "unfair" that he was able to use a macro lens. Hehe.

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I recently got a Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro (~US$250), which suits my needs well and focuses continuously from 1:1 to infinity (a requirement for me, and the reason that the Phoenix macro was crossed from my list). Being of the older autofocus design that is driven by a motor in the camera, it's only as loud as your camera (noticeable with my D1, but not a problem at least outdoors). The quality and bokeh are at minimum better than what 2.6MP can show; on a D2x, the verdict might be different.
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