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Photoflex Litepanels


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I'm wondering how the Photoflex Litepanels compare to regular

collapsable reflectors - anyone have a preference? Also, I see

Photoflex sells "legs" for the Litepanels for anyone who doesn't

want to use lightstands for the panels - has anyone used these? I

am looking to use translucent reflector/diffuser of some sort for

outdoor portraits, perhaps even as a kind of backdrop outdoors or

just to diffuse light in sunny conditions.

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Collapsible reflectors are easier to set up but you'll need a stand and arm to position them unless you have an assistant. Outside you'll need tu use an assistant.


Light Panels are available in larger sizes and the legs that are sold for them are flimsy but fine for use inside the studio. Outside, in even the slightest breeze, you'll need someone to hold the light panels. They become giant sails and even heavy stands with sandbags aren't enough support, not to mention the plastic legs.

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I have three and use them all the time. The legs work great indoors, providing a range of tilt angles in horizontal and vertical orientation, but listen to Brook's advice. You'll need an assistant to hold them outdoors in a breeze. Tent stakes might do in light air on real turf, big sand bags or cinderblocks on artificial surfaces... <p>In the studio, I have found a super clamp on a stand works well to hold them vertical for when you want them plumb, and/or need them higher than just resting on the floor. <p>The translucent panels make good shoot through scrims (use barn doors on the heads) and the black reverse to silver panels are very useful with contrast issues (additive or subtractive). <p>Get a set or two of the clamps made to hold two frames together... they work well to stretch the panels tight across the span of the frame, which greatly improves their control-ability... t
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