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I am printing B&W on an Epson R2400 from Imacon scans of B&W 120 neg film scanned at the highest

resolution. The files, after cropping, are in the range of 7000*7000 pixels. I am printing 12.5" by 12.5"

prints. My question is, should I be setting the resolution to 360 dpi and setting the document size to

12.5" by 12.5" in Photoshop and letting it resample the image to 4500*4500 pixels? Or, should I just

leave all 7000*7000 pixels, and set the dpi to whatever I need to achieve an output size of 12.5*12.5

without resampling? Or would the printer drivers be resampling anyways?


Any help is appreciated.

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Do the downsizing in PhotoShop, it is better.


I use the bilinear method in photoshop because it downsize the grain much better than

any bicubic variation. I find Bicubic wroks better for upsizing and bilinear for downsizing.


If the original is a colour slide scan, without grain, then bicubic sharper is better for



After the bilinear ownsizing, some sharpening is needed.

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