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"I'm planning on buying a Leica this week. A M6 Classic and a 50 'cron. Would it be wise to buy at this time or should I know about some forcasted price drop due to the release of the m8?"


The entire first year of M8 production is already spoken for but will be doled out in trickles and spurts, not all at once in October. Rather than a sudden burst of M6 auctions like game birds flushed from a thicket, expect to see a steady stream of Leicas being auctioned over the next year or two. The prices will drop but gradually. Eventually, aside from rare and collectible items, run-of-the-mill film Leicas will join the rest of film cameras at the bottom of the sea, price-wise. If you buy a user Leica from here on out, intend to use it and resign yourself to selling at a loss if you ever sell. Your M6 will probably not hurt you too much. You will pay $800-$1000 now, and there will be no demo or used M8s in any quantity for a long time, so M8 ownership will remain for at least 2 years exclusive to those with $5000 or more to spend.


Those of us with our fingers on Leica's pulse believe they've already ceased production of the MP and M7. Leica has enough inventory and parts to satisfy whatever minuscule market remains and recognizes that they can't possibly compete price-wise with the increasing pool of used Leicas. That is why they started the "Pre-Owned Certified" programme.

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What would it even mean for Leica to quit manufacturing MPs and M7s? Leica has always manufactured in batches as necessary. Undoubtedly they will wait until stock runs low to begin another manufacturing run - as they've always done in the past - and they will gauge demand before deciding how many units to manufacture - as they've always done in the past. When the market gets to the point where demand doesn't justify another run, they simply won't schedule another run.


There's still plenty of demand for new film bodies from Leica, and you can bet they will continue to manufacture special editions, which are a very profitable business for them.

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"do you really speak for some sort of group? Otherwise, why the conceit of "us""


Yes I do speak for some sort of group, those being serious camera collectors around the world, and the specialist dealers with whom we do business. Of course there are differences of opinion amongst us because conflicting information does sometimes come from equally reliable sources, but we are often better informed than the majority of those blowing smoke on forums, and always mindful to differentiate an opinion from knowledge. That is why I said 'we believe' rather than 'we know for a fact'. If there is any conceit here, it's all coming from you.

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BTW Bob is quite correct in everything he has said except for "There's still plenty of demand for new film bodies from Leica". I challenge anyone to speak with any Leica dealer (assuming you have enough of a relationship with him that he cares to speak candidly)and inquire as to the level of demand he sees for 'new film bodies from Leica'. I believe you will find that it is extremely low.
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Mark Twain once explained how he had learned from his father how to make money in the stock market: "Buy only stocks that increase in value. If they do not increase in value, don't buy them!" <p> Anyone who follows eBay is probably aware that there has been an increase in the availability of Leicas and related gear over the past weeks. However, it doesn't seem that there has been any modification in prices realized. Obviously the increasing supply will have some effect but there are other operative factors such as increase in the collecting fraternity. It is too early to predict any particular trend, but the slide to digital is bound to change the overall structure.
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"Sarcasm aside, I'd be curious to know what contacts you have, and what it is exactly that they're saying."


As much as the love and camaraderie we share touches my heart [/sarcasm] I'm going to refrain from betraying any trusts with people I do consider friends. Some of them read the forum and if they want to they can speak for themselves. Ask any Leica dealer when was the last time he ordered Leica M bodies for store stock, when he plans to re-order again and how many. That should give you a good idea of whether there exists enough demand for new M bodies to warrant continued production at Solms. What none of us is privvy to is how many assembled M bodies are in Solms and the various regional centres, and how many more can be built from parts stocks in Solms, before they need to start the machines up again. As Bob stated correctly, Leica produces in batches or runs. Obviously, if there should be a demand, they will run another batch. At present, from the scuttlebutt coming out of dealers around the world (at least, as told to collector-customers), such a demand is not present.

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Vinay is right that Leica cameras such as the MP or M7 are made in relatively small batches and the number manufactured roughly follows the demand. If the demand is low, they may wait before making a new batch.


That said, sales of new Leicas do not always directly reflect the demand, especially after the camera has been produced for a few years or more. This is because the market for used Leica cameras is robust, and many people may still be buying the cameras, only used, not new. This might especially be true at a time when the prices of new items have have been raised. Right now, new Leica prices are up at very high levels, so it would not surprise me if sales of the M7 and MP are low.

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"Some of them read the forum and if they want to they can speak for themselves."


Maybe next time you should let them do just that, instead of invoking their unsubstantiated

support for your own opinion. The royal "we" has been out of favor for quite awhile now.

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