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Buying a good negative scannner which one?

ike k

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Hi all,


I'm thinking to get a nice scanner and need some advice on which model should I get, I probably would

just get a used one as well and don't want spend more than $400 for this need? any particular model

from Nikon on this price range used? I heard minolta 5400 (based on kenrockwell) is the best 35mm

neg scanner out there? any Nikon user use this scanner or they stick with nikon coolscan? But I see their

used price still around $500 to $600. Btw I only shoot 35mm so I don't need a multiple film scanner. I

never used a neg scanner before so this would be my first one. I'm still loving use my F5 and would love

to do so 'till film is out of production :). Thanks for the info and help, have a nice evening!.



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I've had the original 5400 since they came out (there is now a 5400 II), it's a fantastic

scanner, as far as resolution, detail and color is concerned, I have no complaints, other

than it is as slow as molasses (The II is faster, but has lesser build-quality). Never any

problems with it, and hopefully that remains true, as now that Sony has purchased the

Minolta/Konica photo business, it seems unclear who, if anybody, would service this.

Some people have reported problems with these.


The Nikon scanners also have a great reputation, and are fast. Presumably Nikon still

services them, although nikon has dropped much of their film-based hardware.

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Hi Ike!


I had the same problem about six months ago and finally decided to go for the Nikon Coolscan V. I haven't regreted it at all. I had some images scanned in a friend's old Canon film scanner and the difference with the new ones is unbelievable. It is really an excellent machine for that price. I didn't go for the Minolta because this same friend told me he had to exchange his Minolta for the Canonscan a few days after buying it so bad it was. I haven't tried it but I don't think I 'd need anything better.


You can check some of the photos using the Nikon scanner to chech its quality:



I hope this helps.

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Ike. I don't what kind of quality you are looking for (pro vs good amatuer) but I have a Minolta 2840 Dual Scan III that I consider to be an excellent film scanner. I bought it after owning the original Nikon 35mm scanner which was a real piece of junk. Sorry Nikon boosters but I paid about a $1,000 for the original Nikon 35mm scanner and it was a real piece of crap.


I understand that Minolta has gone out of the scanner business. But maybe there is some left over inventory somewhere.


And I understand that Nikon is producing excellent scanners now in spite of their bad beginning.

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Another vote for the Nikon Coolscan V. I convinced my dad to get one, he did, and it is

fantastic. It has some tweaks that make it slightly better than the Coolscan 4000ED in my

opinion (despite the fact that the Nikon software (cough spit) doesn't allow for

multisampling with the Coolscan V, I never found that feature making much of any

difference in the scans I have done with both scanners).



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Thanks Guys for the informative advice, and I think I will go coolscan for now and I know

that I might need some more bucks for this but hey if it's worth it why not. Btw about

Minolta I used to shoot with Maxxum 9 and it's an excellent camera to be honest, if it's not

because lack of rentals for this camera and lenses, I might keep mine. Just because my

needs growth and seems everywhere I go there's rarely place carry minolta so I changed

gear. Canon 1V first but later found my love with Nikon F5 (amazing camera!, 1Vhs not

even close IMHO). Hopefully sony will keep minolta range of lenses in their support so it

will be good for minolta users. I think their G lenses are in par with Nikon ED, I don't like

Canon "L" glass, somehow there's just something about Minolta G and NIKon ED that

caught my eyes and love the color. Thanks again guys and happy shooting!.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got a surprise. I was about to upgrade from my excellent Konica Minolta 5400 Dimage II and I see that Minolta sold the business. I was about to add 120 and above capability. My little toaster of a scanner works really well. I have absolutely no complaints.


I go to the artist markets and so want the best resolution possible.


Is Sony selling the Minolta products?

Is Nikon the best way to go?


Imacon, a used one?


Also in a couple of weeks I should have a carefully used Konica minolta 5400 II on sale on ebay.


So, what is the best upgrade nowadays? As far as I am concerned the only other option is to get a $20000 digital camera back, and I am not there yet. And may never be there, who knows?

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