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diopters and leicas (CL)

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With my other cameras, I benefit from diopters, and am aware that there are

some out there for the CL, but I've noticed varying nomenclature differences

among vendors.


First, my vision per my last RX is OK near, and I don't need reading, computer

or other glasses. I do have a slight -1.xx rx for my R eye for distance



On my Pentax *ist DL, I set the built-in diopter adjustment all the way to the

right (lens facing forward), which in the manual indicates a +1.5 adjustment.


On my Canon miniDV, I adjust it to the (-) mark.


On my Sony hi-8, I adjust it all the way to one extreme, but there is no

indication in the manual or on the unit if it is a positive or negative.


In any case, I am quite sure I will benefit from a 1.0 or 1.5 diopter, but

based on the confusion of the Pentax and Canon, I'm not sure if I need a + or -

with the Leica CL.

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Different cameras have different built in diopters. Some label the diopter lenses with their own diopter, others label them with the "net" diopter when mounted on-camera. Single lens reflex cameras often have a native diopter of -1, such that the focusing screen appears one meter away. But, I think rangefinders often have a more distant virtual image.


A net diopter of 0 means that the virtual image is at infinity. A net diopter of -1 puts it at one meter, -2 puts it at 0.5 meters, -3 puts it at 0.33 meters. Positive diopters put the image further than infinity.


A true negative diopter will make the virtual image in the viewfinder closer to you, and smaller.


A true positive diopter will make the virtual image in the viewfinder further from you, and larger.


You could try on some drug store reading glasses with the camera to see the effects of positive diopter.

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It is my understanding that diopters for the CL are hard to come by. This may make glasses the only remaining viable option.


Love to know if I am wrong.



PS I am stuck here in the UK with all this film that will be zapped into a permafogged state upon my return. Oh well.

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