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EC questions regarding battery operation


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I recently acquired an EC of questionable working order. I understand that it

requires a 5.6v battery that is no longer available so 4x386 cells are

necessary along with a plastic "shroud" adapter. My multi-part question is as

follows. 1. Is the adapter really necessary? 2. What is its purpose if my 4

cells will fit in the EC fine without it? 3. Once the proper battery

configuration is installed, how will I know its working? I am unable to find

an owners manual online that is in english. 4. Finally, what is the function

of the batteries? Do they control the leaf shutter or are they simply for

flash operation? If they were only for flash operation it would seem that I

could use the camera without them.


TIA very much for any info that you can provide. The EC seems to be firing the

shutter, but it's kind of hard to tell if its firing "properly" or if its just

clicking but not operating because there are no batteries. Given its simple

first generation EC design and limited focus capabilities, it's hard to tell

what I should be expecting from the batteries and the shutter in regard to


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1) 4x386 is shorter than PX27 by a few mm, a bit short, too loose to fit into EC<P>

2)Adapter is necessary<P> or<P>

3) You can by <a href="http://cgi.ebay.ca/4LR43-S27PX-PX27-V27PX-EPX27-4AG13-Rollei-6v-Battery_W0QQitemZ7622395669QQihZ017QQcategoryZ43479QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem">EXCEL 6 volt silver oxide battery SPX27 </a><P>

4)When you open the camera, you should see a red LED in the viewfinder,indicating the battery is alive. Point the camera towards

room interior, and press the shutter, at the same time look into the

lens window from the front of the EC, you should see the shutter open then close.<p>

5) The battery operates the shutter and exposure meter, and also the flash.<P>

6)Without battery: when you press the shutter, the shutter open then

never closes<P>

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