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Photography Resume

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I have been asked a few times to present my resume. Most recently I have been

asked by a DJ company that is looking to hire a few photographers. I know the

owner of the company and he has already seen my work. He asked for a resume

for their files. I have no photography training, besides one class in

collage. I am basically self taught. I can put when I start my photography

business, but besides that everything else is social work related (I'm also a

social worker.) I've done a handle of weddings. A number of other events and

a bunch of portraits. Any advice on how to process with making my resume.

Anyone else been in this situation and willing to show me a copy of theirs.

My email address is: KimberlyNoelPhotography@comcast.net if you feel so

incline to e-mail me a copy. Thanks!

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Hi Kim, I'll be interested in what others say, but I would guess to just make up a short resume on your education and brief list of Soc work jobs (which must be a helpful profession in dealing with wedding clients and guests). A short paragraph about yourself, Then, list when you started doing weddings, and if you assisted any pros, list that as a job, and make a final note to view your portfolio at blah blah website, or maybe include a couple of pages of collages of your work?

All of the above not necessarily in order but just ideas.


I would think the resume for a photographer is most importantly their portfolio.

What would a dj put on a resume?

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I agree with Lauren....enclose a portfolio with your resume. They just want to know your work history...not just the photography end...your work ethic...dependability...etc. Don't worry about references, just put 'furnished upon request' Good luck.



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kim - contact info, maybe a bit of education (if it's not photography related, that's fine) - that's all that they need.


as a photographer, your work is your resume. a writer's resume is their books, a musicians resume is their albums. you don't need to see where michael jackson went to college to know whether or not you like his music.


any president of a company who knows how to hire a photographer knows that your work is MUCH more important than your resume.


I tell all my clients that my work is my resume. I have been shooting seriously for 3 years, and there are people out there who just picked up a camera and are already kicking my behind. that said, there are also people who worked for well known magazines, and I have been told by people who have seen a lot of both of our work that mine is better.


credentials? they don't matter if you have an eye.


of course, the process of GETTING credentials can impact your work - a lot! ie. someone who has a degree from brooks is probably a GREAT photographer, but you can't just see their degree, you need to see their work. if you can't see 'brooks' in the work of someone who went to brooks, then they just wasted a lot of money.

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