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Larry Towell / Magnum & Leica multimedia piece

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This is great:




Featured on the International Herald Tribune site. I'm a big fan of using audio with a

slideshow to enhance the presentation. Photojournalism is moving in this direction very

quickly, as newspapers look for web content that is less static.


It's nice to see that Leica is still supporting projects like this.



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Thank you for the pointer. Stunning photography, of course. I agree with you also about it

being good that Leica's on board with this kind of thing.


The piece also hints at a really interesting conversation. But it is an awful implementation,

really not fluent at all. All respect to Magnum and Leica and whoever else was involved

with this, but this was like a 1999 quality multimedia presentation.


How much better would it have been if the Towell soundbytes had been mixed with the

wild sounds into one long track, and the slides laid over with nice transitions?


I'm not a Flash author, but I know enough about the software to feel pretty confident that

what I describe can be done, and possibly with not much more difficulty. It's a shame it

wasn't in this case. I only stuck with this because I love Mr. Towell's photographs; the

multimedia wasn't really value added for me, alas.


I suppose that it comes down to money, and how much does something like this help

Magnum or Leica to make? Sad to say, probably not that much.

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Excellent stuff! I really like his Mennonites book - beautifully produced. Someone who takes great photos and talks a lot of sense in a straightforward and pithy way. I found the mix of excellent content and presentation better than anything I've seen on the web so far.
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