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Slave flash... any alternative to Speedilites ?

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One of my 550EX has just died.


While I plan to send it to Canon for repair, I was wondering, because I want

to use it ONLY as a slave ( I have a 580 and a transmitter), could I buy a

cheaper flash (non Canon brand) with same or nearly the same guide no that

will work either optically or with the wireless transmitter or preferably,

with both !


Is one availabe where I can control the exposure from + 3 to -3 just like a

Canon flash ?


Money is the main concern but quality is important too. Thanks for your input.




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I've got the Sigma EF-500 Super. That's suppose to be compatible, but they recommend using it with other Sigma flashes (probably to sell more Sigma flashes).


It's not as well built as the Canon flash, but costs $200 for similar performance to the 550EX.

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You didn't specify what transmitter you have!


If you have an ST-E2 anything other than a Canon won't work properly, even if it's supposed to.


OTOH, if you are using the flashes in manual mode triggered by a 3rd party trasmitter (like WEIN, PW, etc...) then, any flash with manual control will do.

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I used to have a Sigma EF-500 Super and it worked fine as either the master or slave to a 550EX. It was/is *supposed* to work with the ST-E2, but Giampi says not to count on it. One has to wonder if Giampi ever tried it though. :)


Personally I would get a 430EX as a second slave to the ST-E2. It's built better than the Sigma and operates a lot simpler. The user interface on the Sigma is not designed all that well, and the 430EX is only a little more money.

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>>One has to wonder if Giampi ever tried it though. :)<<


I don't need to try it...my gut tells me...scientific tests, irrefutable proofs and countless books are not enough...my gut knows best ;p


Well, that's what I have consistenly heard and read from those who tried the ST-E2 with other flash brands. Misfiring, wrong exposure, improper zooming of the head, are some of the complaints mentioned.


It *may* work but, is it worth it if you end up spending money on a flash that won't work properly and then, you'll have to buy an EX on top of that.

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Optically you can go with lots of units. There are optical slaves that will supposedly ignore multiple preflashes but I don't know whether they will work to sync with the Canon wireless system.


The thing with optical slave flashes is that you have no metering. You cannot set "the exposure from + 3 to -3 just like a Canon flash" instead you can control flash output to various degrees. It is not too hard to set up a manual flash set up with digital provided you have preparation time but E-TTL is much more convenient.

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