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Samsung GX-1S at Yellowstone & Grand Tetons

14mm 2.8l

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The wife and I are back from 8 day stay at the two national parks. I am

extremely happy with the Samsung rebranded Pentax DS2. 3/4 of the 2,100 images

we shot are keepers. Over half are stunning. Next year we'll take two of these

pentax mount digital slr bodies.


I still shot up 23 rolls of film with a couple other brand bodies outfitted

with 14mm glass. The full and wide perspective is the one thing I miss with

the 1.5x crop digital.



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Howdy Eric,


I've considered those 3 lenses. I'd pick the pentax brand over the sigma due to it's mixed reviews. I agree thats the place to get them and rebate is a bonus when they actually arrive for deposit.


I'll wait for pentax to design and market a straight f2.8 or faster superwide zoom before I buy a brand new lens from pentax.


I've already got a 15mm f3.5 SMC which is a fantastic prime lense. It's like a 22.5mm view after crop. Its Razor Sharp and Bright into the corners even when used wide open. I got it for my wife 8 years ago, my first rectilinear lens purchase. At the time we had no pentax body to use it on, but it was so appealing and like new. So, I bought anyways from of my local camera store for 1/2 to 1/3 of what they cost nowdays.



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"I'll wait for pentax to design and market a straight f2.8 or faster superwide zoom before I buy a brand new lens from pentax."



I don't think you will see an f/2.8 or faster superwide zoom in a Pentax mount. Nobody makes such a lens- see e.g. Nikon's 12-24mm f/4.0 DX lens. In fact, I would guess that Tokina or Tamron makes Pentax' 12-24mm f/4.0 digital zoom.



If you made a 12-24mm f/2.8 lens for APS-C DSLRs, it would be rather large and would have to contain a buttload of glass to maintain a constant, fast aperture, including big aspherical and ED elements. Such a lens would cost a fortune.



Pentax is not in the professional DSLR market and is not in tip-top financial shape. It is highly unlikely that Pentax would design and produce a fast, exotic, super-expensive, ultrawide-to-wide digital zoom.

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Wow, thats a lot of exposures in 8 days. I did the same trip last summer (8 days split between Yellowstone and the Tetons). But I only took about 80 exposures :-) Of course those 80 were taken with a 4x5" view camera. But now I have a stunning 20x30" print on my wall...
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Mike, Yes its a bunch of images. Our personal record for vacation. We usually go through 40 rolls in a week at stellar locations. The neat thing with this trip is we took the laptop computer along so each night we looked at everything we'd done earlier. The good and bad images got analyzed and the next day we corrected our operator errors.


As with all my vacation trips, 95% users had tiny point and shoot cameras, maybe 4.5% used older 70's and 80's 35mm film cameras and .5% were Eos 5D w/ white pro lenses or nikon shooters with 2.8 pro zoom glass. I've never seen anybody there use a medium format or large format. Though I am certain there are others like you. I'll be testing the 20x30 prints with these 6mp raw images. Everything we shot is in raw mode. At Full size on my computer screen my pix are incredibly detailed.



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Hi Lindy,


Your experience matches mine. I was quite surprised that the number of older 35mm film camera users seemed to outnumber the dSLR users.


And yes, on my trip, I only saw one other large/medium-format shooter. :-)


When I plan on traveling to Europe within the next year, the large-format will stay at home in favor of digital or maybe my medium-format camera.


One funny moment is when I arrived to a viewpoint to setup a shot. While setting up (takes me 5-10 minutes), a photographer was next to me taking pics of the mountain. The motor drive was whirring away and she must have clicked off a dozen shots. I asked her if the mountain was moving! I took 1 exposure (but I do regret not taking a 2nd becaus when I got home, I would have preferred a slightly different crop).

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Wow, thats crazy. I hadn't heard that about some glass being banned.


I recently acquired a pristine Mamiya C220 w/ late-model 80mm lens for next to nothing. Picked up a 135mm...now all I need is something a bit wider. This camera has surprised me in the quality of pics it takes.

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Yeah I agree its crazy. You might inquire at the meduim format area here or elsewhere before you go. I followed a link on this topic out a couple months ago. So I am not up on the subject. I've got no clue what all is included in the ban, you know, all the inclusions and exclusions. I've read these older items no longer legally resell in affected countries including England, which I usually don't consider part of the european union.



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The new pentax MF camera will not be imported into the 'EEC' due to the 'wrong' solder being used,....this is purely intended to make a political point as there is no measurable risk to anyone using or being near to cameras with the 'wrong' solder. This is entirely concerned with trying to influence industry in countries on the other side of the globe. Quite a large part of the UK population are unhappy about it but then, we are quite unhappy about some other things as well....


As far as we in England are aware there will be no attempt to prevent visitors from bringing in these cameras/products provided they are not for resale etc. and will be carried back out at the end of the trip.

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Thats interesting Bob.


So the ban includes currently issued pentax medium format lenses too?


Are there other current medium brands affected or just pentax?


Is it limited to medium format or is 35mm pentax glass included?



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