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A Good Toronto Photo Lab? I can mail or FTP my work too?

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Hi, I need a sujestion on where to get proffessional processing, i live

outside the greater Toronto area (close to Owen Sound) and an no longer

processing B&W , for the most part I've switched to Digital (but don't know

allot about still).


Where do people outside the city get film & prints made. Is there a

professional Lab I could mail my film too to get profesional prints for proofs

etc.. both for colour and B& W, and for Digital is there a way to FTP the

Digital to be printed proffesionally?


Thanks for any suggestions, i;ve been out of the country allot of years & the

Digital World is kinda new to me.


Thanks a bunch Lisa

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In Toronto would recommend Silvano's (www.silvanoimaging.com).


Also Fotoart in Owen Sound (www.fotoart.ca) does a decent job with Digital files and has online capabilites. They send B+W film out for processing though but can print B+W digital on their Noritsu or Large format Epson.


I use both on a regular basis (BTW I have no affiliation with either)

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Pikto is probably the best digital lab in the city at the moment. You can upload photos via their website, or email them for FTP access. Turnaround is quick and they provide an ICC profile that helps you get accurate results.


TIW is good too, but I use them for film jobs only, in particular black and white film and proof printing (they do rebate borders).

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Frank what are rebate borders... is that the actual boarder of the edge of the photo? (As opposed to allot of photo labs offer boarders, but actually cut the edge of the photo to make it?




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Hi Shaun... Thanks for the photoart suggestion I didn't know they had on-line services... being in the country has it's advantages / disadvantages i.e the distance between places!


And I'll try Silvano's too! Really appreciate the suggestions!




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Hi Lisa,


Rebate borders are where you see the edge of the negative (black border) around the photo. TIW is one of the best film labs in the city, they've never screwed up my film, unlike a certain other lab in the city (cough, west camera, cough).

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Pikto is the most up to date and the most community minded so should be given preference. But I've also used Steichenlab (416-366-8745), Westend Custom Photo Labs (416-533-0377), and surprisingly, Korner Color (no"u": 416-928-1008) at Bay & Bloor. All are about the same prices and pretty good service.


I priced Silvano's last month and found them somewhat expensive and slow. The others all have same day service for processing, Silvano's doesn't. Maybe they ship it.

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I heard back from both Pikto & Toronto Image Works, that they would both be willing to mail back digital photography, and my B& W film too they would mail back ...

Thanks for the suggestions, I have a little list going, I think i'm gonna first try Toronto Image works ...




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