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Cresent shape in left-hand corner of negs/prints


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I recently purchased a used Mamiya Sekor C 45mm f2.8 lens and have used it as

my defacto standard lens on my m645.


I notice in all of my negs, whether shot wide open or stopped down, that I get

a cresent shaped object in the upper left hand corner while shooting

landscape, and bottom right when shooting portrait. I use a filter on the

front. However, whether I shoot a the filter on or off, I still get this

cresent shaped object. I've even taken the wide angle hood off as well.


At first I cropped the cresent out of my prints, but I'm a full frame shooter

and hate to continue this practice.


I looked thru the lens and notice a dark ring inside the lens, sort of like

another circle shape that goes around one side of the lens, like two circles

that don't line up.


Could this be causing the cresent? Is this common? What do you think it would

cost to fix? Should I just get a new lens?


I love this lens and can't live without these wide angles!



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