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What did I do wrong.....

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Just a story to highlight some embarassing stupidity...


I have a friend staying with me in Singapore at the moment and a couple of

weekends ago we went to Bangkok to extend her tourist stamp. Didnt really plan

on doing much shooting but on our last night there I decided to run a roll of

Fuji Neopan 1600 thru a Leica M + 35 Lux. I had a couple of shots I was really

looking forward to viewing.


Well, I just developed the roll and ended up with a totally clear roll of

film... hmmm!


1) Ive never ruined a roll of film developing it yet<br>

2) There was tension on the film while I rewound it and I felt it come off the

spool as I leave the leader out<br>

3) The entire roll was shot in one go <i>ie. the camera was never put away from

start to finish of shooting the roll</i>



<b><i>Im pretty sure I know what I did (or didnt do)... Anyone wanna guess at

what went wrong?</i></b> :)


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If the leader and edge marks developed, the film did not go thru or there is a shutter or lens cap problem.


If the film was totally clear, then it is a process problem. Usual suspects are reversed fix and developer, dead or old developer. Run a few shots on a test roll and pull out 12 inches in the dark and check the developer.

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There are only two possibilities I can think of (short of some issue with the chemicals) - (1) The film was miss-threaded (I did this once myself on a Washington D.C. trip a couple of years ago) and (2) The lens cap... but I doubt you would do this through an entire roll without ever catching yourself.


Hope all is well with you, Craig.



When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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About a year ago I went to a construction site with my M6; there were trackers and laborers everywhere. About halfway into the roll, I realized I had the lens cap on. At that point, realizing why my meter diodes had been flashing at me, as cool as I could I rewound the film into its canister and started over, this time with the lens cap in my pocket!


While driving back to the office I embarrassingly told my co-worker what I had done. He then sheepishly admitted to me that he noticed the lens cap on the front of my camera, but he thought it was "some sort of high-tech device."


My point is you can't always depend on non-photographers to let you know when you're screwing up.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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