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Another RZ67 Finder Question


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Mamiya doesn't provide this data. I used both a waist-level and a PD Prism Finder on RZ Pro II bodies. IMHO, both finder/body combinations were about 90%-plus accurate (which is decent for medium format SLRs). That is to say, I didn't see notice a difference in framing accuracy as between the waist level and PD Prism Finder.



Mamiya advertises the body, presumably with a waist-level finder to be 95% accurate, which is, I think, a bit optimistic:




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Trace, I have used the FE701 Prism Finder on my Pro II for about four years and find it better than 90% accurate. Exceeded my expectations. I also consider its metering system capabilities and LED displays to be fairly accurate, as in most cases when doing landscape I always compare to my Sekonic L-558 meter, the Bible for all my cameras.


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Checking the accuracy of a prism or folding viewing hood is one of the first things to do when you buy a new camera.<br>

If you have a Polaroid back, it is much easier to do.<p>


Select a subject with geometrical marks, like a building with windows. Frame the building so as to have a complete window on the upper-left part of the focusing screen, and another complete window on the lower-right part of the screen.<br>

Shoot a Polaroid, and check if the framed subject is totally on the photo, or not.<br>

As you know the dimensions of the Polaroid film, (a <u>square</u> 69.5 x 69.5 image) and the dimensions of the focusing screen, you can determine the proportions.<br>

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