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What's this thing?


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Strange looking thing... It almost looks like a cross between an F1 and an A1. The motordrive piece looks very much like my A1 drive. Shutter release button looks like an A1 too... The pentaprism and rear eyepiece are quite different...



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Wish I could see it !!!


Sadly, I am at work and blocked from eBay.


Just an FYI - where I work (and a lot of places, I presume), employees' internet use is tracked. Not only are we blocked from visiting eBay, but attempts are tracked and we can get in trouble for it. You might consider putting a message next to your URL indicating where it is going - TinyURL doesn't let you know where it is going to go until you click on it. Not complaining, just to let you know.

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It's the camera part of a device for taking pictures of the inside of the human eyeball. it is of no pratical use without the rest of the instrument. it can not be converted into a normal camera. It is at most a collectable curio


I believe it is called a Fundus Camera

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Very suspicious. The outline of the main nameplate which says "Canon" on the front of the

prism seems to have the silhouette of a Nikon (specifically, an FM or something like it).


Someone has been having fun with photoshop.

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So it was on the mir website... I looked - wonder how I missed it. On a closer look, it bears no relation to a New F1 - I was completely wrong. Definitely more of an A1 based camera as someone said - very specialized stuff! But beyond the already mentioned collectible value, its of no use in any field other than the one it was meant for, but the looks of it and the description. Interesting, though.
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I've got one. It's a reflex based on the AE-1 for ophtalmologist work. You can't use it for photography outdoor because the chamber is round and not 24x36 format.

You can use it with Motor Drive MZ (I've got it too).

The Canon F-A have to be used with a very heavy equipment (bigger than a UC of a personnal computer). This equipment is used for the traitment of the photographies (???). I don't have it and I don't know how it work with it.

Soon, more details and photographies on my web site : http://canon.photo.free.fr/histoire.html

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