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Photoshop Video Training


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You can't go wrong with Deke McClelland's Photoshop CS Bible. It's the best (IMO) book on

the application out there. Very comprehensive and easy to read/understand. I've been a

professional graphic artist for fifteen years and McClelland's books always teach me new

things when I read them.

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"no human needs all it's features"? While I see what you're saying I tend to disagree.

Photoshop is probably the best and most versitile application available for any platform.

It's both a photo editing program and a full featured paint application. As a graphic artist I

can say with some confidence that I use about 90% of Photoshop's features at some point

in my work. That said, for the amateur or prosumer photographer Photoshop is like using

a jack hammer to pound nails. If all you're doing is touching up, resizing and or doing

basic filtering on images then Photoshop may be overkill. You can probably live with

Photoship Elements and never miss most of the missing features. I'd still suggest trying to

learn as much as you can about the software though. You'll be surprised by how easy and

useful many of the advanced operations are.

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I'd recomend starting with 'The Photoshop book for Digital Photographers', it's available in versions for Photoshop 7, CS and Elements, and I'm sure a CS2 version is on the way. excellent book for beginners.
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I second the recommendation of Scott Kelby's <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0321330625/qid=1117513939/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-3932520-8214260?v=glance&s=books">

<I>The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers</I></A>.

The above link is to the CS2 version of that book, but earlier PhotoShop 7, CS and Element III versions are also available. It is very suitable for photographers who are PhotoShop beginners to intermediates.


Besides books, I took a two-day workshop with Sean Duggan and that was very helpful as well. But a workshop costs a lot more than books.

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i second lynda.com not just for ps but the array pf programs you can learn. all for 25 a

month. one book costs that. I am a visual learner and books put me to sleep. they offer a few

freebies to get you started try it out and see where it takes you.

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