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RD-1 rangefinder alignment question


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Just received today my exchange RD-1, after my previous body (and not the first) had far

too many hot pixels. The new one still has more hot pixels than I would expect, but it is

better than the previous one. However, the rangefinder is really poorly calibrated. At

infinity the images are very far from each other, more than I have seen in any of M bodies.

Obviously, I have the option of sending the camera back to Epson, but with Epson's

exchange, rather than repair policy I am worried that a new body would simply bring more


Is there any way to adjust the Epson's rangefinder accuracy? Is the process identical to

adjusting an M rangefinder? Will Leica repair services (DAG, Shelly) adjust the RD-1? If

they will, do you think there is a chance that the digital parts of the RD-1 will be

damaged? any experience/advice?

Thanks very much,

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Here is a link to rangefinder adjustment on the R-D1: http://www.imagere.com/paulwolff/rd1.htm

There are many posts on rangefinder accuracy, frameline accuracy, hot pixels and other R-D1 issues with suggestions and help on the R-D1 Forum on www.rangefinderforum.com


I don't want to detract from the help available from the experts in this forum but the R-D1 is digital and therefore more posts about it are made on the RF site.

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Further to my previous post the Wolf link shows how to make a full rangefinder adjustment involving both adjustment screws which needs the top removed to reach the second screw which is the factory (sealed) coarse adjustment. Quite often only the upper screw needs adjusting which can be reached by removing the coverplate in the cameras hotshoe.
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Thanks all, I contacted DAG and hope it would resolve the focus issue. btw, I found it

appropriate posting here in particular because the issue is about rangefinder accuracy, rather

than a "digital related issue". and I am using the M moung RD-1 with my 7 Leica lenses...


Huw, very impressive... is that your own job?

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