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How do I rearrange my photos in an album?


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Do you mean within one of your folders? That's not possible for the moment but admins said that will be done cause it's often asked for. Suscribers can nevertheless make presentations (not sure that this feature is available for free users) and then rearrangement is possible within them.
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Your question is not entirely clear, and perhaps you do not even know that, so I will address it in several parts.


1. Your photos are uploaded into your portfolio. Your portfolio begins with a folder into which all uploaded photos go, called the single photo folder (or photos, perhaps).


No matter how hard you try, your photos appear in that folder or any other folder you create in the order in which you upload them.


Many members, keeping in mind that they are going to create a folder on a subject, and knowing that the final photo often (almost always) repressents the folder on the Top Rated Photo sorting engine, often will save their strongest photo for the last upload, so when a user scans the folders by their 'representative photos' that strongest photo is the one that will be seen. It is not possible, no matter how many folders one has, to re-arrange the upload order of the photos, and thus the order they will appear within any single folder, or within all your folders. Later uploads will apppear after, and earlier photos will appear earlier.


Brian Mottershead, the honcho in chief, who is the programmer in chief, has stated in this forum that it is probably the most requested feature that members be allowed to change the display order to be different than it presently is (set by upload date), and he has said it is a programming priority of his (probably and without promise) to explore changing the programming to allow members to 'sort' their photos instead of by upload date (to add a new feature.)


He says that the display of the last uploaded photo (no matter in which folder it is in) is a remnant of the original programming, and apparently it is NOT Photo.net fixed policy that it remain so, but it will involve many considerations (I think), and may affect Photo.net overall viewership (and profitability ultimately in ways that may be unforeseeable, so it may get very close scrutiny before any such change is instituted)


Now, you have the option of doing either of the following.


You have the option of creating 'folders' into which using 'options' you can name and rename these folders, and with a relatively new feature, you now can set the display order of these folders. This was a very good change, as before it was fixed in the programming.


So, you can cull some photos from your single photo folder or upload photos into a folder (or many folders), and set the display order of that folder. Maybe these are 'albums' as you mean the term. In any case, the upload order is the display order. But if you upload to another folder, it will not affect the display order in a folder or only the photos you display IN THAT FOLDER.


Finally, there is a device called PRESENTATIONS, which you can create also.


You can create an introduction, upload photos, create text for each photo, and create a text following the body of photos with their text.


I have an ever-growing Presentation (maybe over 300 photos) called Photographers Watch Your Background which is growing and still incomplete.


Some photographers who are adept at HTML programming language are able to manipulate the Presentations space to create 'custom' Presentations that do not fit the standard paradigm, I understand.


So, perhaps any particular folder might be considered an 'album' or, if you don't mean that, the 'Presentations' are meant to be the equivalent of an 'album' as many of us would use the term. But a presentation must draw on photos in your portfolio, and (I think) those photos must be publicly viewable (You have the option of not displaying all photos by assigning a folder a negative number, I recall).


So, you can see, your failure to define what you mean by 'album' caused the discursive part of this answer, but you might save it as a reference (and anybody correct me if I've made any mistakes, or Brian has made any recent announcements I've missed, as I've been out of the country).


John (Crosley)

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Yann is correct about the 'idea' of 'sorting' photos within 'Presentations' but the software is so inadequate for anything of size it is a practical impossibility, and since there are no thumbnails for guidance, you must rely on captions, and God help members like poor Balaji or otherw who create numeric photo captions for upload, as 'sorting' numbers is something only a computer is capable of doing unless the Presentation is only 3-8 photos large.


Long ago, we requested Brian add thumbnails and sorting capability with more sophistication to Presentations, but it was disregarded, apparently because Brian was considering allowing creating 'sorting' of the entire portfolio (or individual folders) thus making Presentations a little bit (not entirely) superfluous.


John (Crosley)

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