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E-6 Chemistry for Velvia 100F

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I have retreived a roll of velvia from my camera which took a quick dip in the

lake. I would like to try and process the film myself as I don't want to

contaminate my labs chemistry. What chemistry/kit would you recommend for this

process. I have never developed color film only b&w. Any help would be

appreciated. Thanks.



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I suspect it's a solid glued-up brick of gunk by now, all the emulsion softened and stuck to the next turn.


I'd say process it as B&W, use Tri-X times, that will be close enough. But you probably will have to soak it to get it unstuck, and then wind it on the reel wet. All in the dark, of course.

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Generally, after a dunk like that, the film should be pre-rinsed in distilled water and then processed normally.


Once, we had a complete footlocker full of color film fall into the Atlantic ocean from a helicopter during a transfer operation. After a good pre-wash, the film turned out just fine. This included Kodachrome, Ektachrome and some ECN IIRC.


Ron Mowrey

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