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XPAN Print Size


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As for ANY other format. Let the IMAGE dictate the shape/format, not the capture medium, otherwise you are letting the tool dominate. Obviously, where possible, use the most appropriate tool (format wise) available for your chosen image, but the subject according to your interpretation governs the shape. Likewise, don't let standard paper sizes dictate in the same way.


Have you ever seen a builder allow the shape of his construction be dictated by the standard size of building materials? For economic reasons only, try to 'get close' to 'standards' but don't be dictated too. That kills creativity.

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I recently did a panoramic print from a 6x7 slide scan. I cropped the top and bottom of the image to eliminate some distracting elements. The final print is about 10x20 inches.


I had to put together a custom frame for it and was having some difficulty getting the costs down below $100. I eventually found, in an art store, some custom frame sections that you just glue together to get the frame. The glass, backing, and mat still had to be custom cut, but I only paid about $50 for everything I needed.


After it was done, I wouldn't have done it any other way - except to possibly try for an even larger print. Compromising on size or aspect ratio to get it to fit in 'standard sizes' would have only reduced the impact of the final product.

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Thanks all!


John Amiet, we are some what limited by our building materials. As a B&W printer I am limited to the paper sizes that ILFORD & others make.


I print B&W and was trying to get a feel for what size prints are being made. My thoughts were 1/2 sheet of 16x20 or 8x20 print or 1/2 sheet of 11x14 which would be 5.5 x 14. These ratios don't quite match the negative size so some cropping would result. An exact print size would be 7 3/8" x 20" and 5 1/8" x 14. Both seem very narrow to me


The longest length paper that I can handle in my dark room is 20". If I redo my trays I could handel 24" lengths. A 9 7/8" x 24" would be a full frame XPAN print. But a 20x24 print washer is very pricy!


I was wondering what XPAN users have done to solve this problem of print size.

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Anthony, I print all my stuff digitally. So the darkroom tray issue is not important to me -- though I still have all my darkroom equipment!


I used to print large prints (i.e 16x20 and above) only in a single tray, but that was many years ago. And that meant minimal damage to the print, as it was not moved until ready for drying, and only the chemicals were wasted a bit more-- which was not so bad as I rarely printed that large.


But is'nt using Xpan fun!

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