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Icc/Icm PROFILE - DSE5400 & SENSIA 100

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Hi there,



I would like to have your input related to the the profiling of a

DSE5400 scanner.


I mainly use Sensia100 slide Films and few kodak.


Here is the Process I use :

I bought few weeks ago a set of IT8.7 targets (all you need package)

from Walf Faust.

I use the Dimage Scan utility to scan the targets with the following

parameters :

mode: color positive - digital ice: on - grain dissolver: on -

pixel polish: off - color depth : 16 bit (not linear!) - auto

expose: off

color matching: off - exposure adjustment: none - image correction:

none - Scan resolution 900dpi or 1350dpi - Multipass 1x or 4x



Note 1: Many tests leads me to the conclusion that the profiles

were "better" is the resolution was quite low (900dpi or 1350dpi)

Note 2: I did not try to calibrate with Vuescan as the profile

generated by this software is very 'light' and seams do not seams

very accurate.


I use two profiler tools (IphotoIcc) and (Xlprofiler).

I also use the demo of colorshopX to display the generted profiles.


The results in the "real life":

Using these settings (and the Sensia target) and using these tools to

generate the Profiles, I still observe a magenta cast on my slides.

However, If i create and use the profile with the agfa, kodak or Fuji

Velvia slides, there is no more magenta cast on my sensia scans !


Question 1 : Did you observe something similar (when scanning Sensia)?


The profiles générated by XLprofiler looks better in the ColorshopX

tool, but i cannot see any difference on my screen compares with the

IphotoIcc profile.


Question 2 : How could I check if the profile generated is Good.


thanks in advance for your support.


Best regards. -gilles.

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I did the same thing a while ago with my Multipro. I can only add that:


Try switching off ICE and grain dissolver. If there are dirts, try to remove them by the cloning tool. Better yet, try scanning at a higher resolution (perhaps 2800dpi) and then downsize it say by 50% before use. 8/16 times multisampling would not hurt either.


Also try outputting in 16 bit "linear" mode. I find the profile created by a "16 bit linear" scan looks more natural.


Finally, sometimes color cast is inherent in the film itself. I dont use Sensia much but I can tell you that the color cast in Provia (most of the time) and Velvia (some of the times) are really quite noticeable.

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Thanks Chris,


I'm going to try the 16bit/linear tonight.

I also see the colorcast on velvia and astia, but it is less obvious thant on the Sensia.


The thing I still do not understand is : why the result of a Sensia scan is better using a kodak or agfa profile than the sensia profile ????


Brgds -gilles.

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