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Fisheye on 5D


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Nice shot! Now hurry up and put on the missing rear lens cap on that poor lens on the table next to that food! Looks like several camera aficionados gathered.


Can you meter fine with the 5D and a manual lens? Do you manually stop down the lens and then adjust shutter speed?

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"Nice shot!" - Thanks!<p>"Can you meter fine with the 5D and a manual lens?" - In Manual and Av mode, yes. Exposure comp is required in some cases. <p>"Do you manually stop down the lens and then adjust shutter speed?" - In Av mode, just stop-down and the camera sets the shutter speed.
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Pierre, I believe the vignetting you're seeing is caused by the lens hood being slightly out of position. Does your version of the Zentiar use an M42->EOS adapter? If so, make sure the lens is fully tightened down. For details see <a href="http://photonotes.org/reviews/zenitar-fisheye/">this</a> - section "Problems with this lens and an EOS camera".
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Pierre, I've read somewhere that different fisheyes have differently sized image circles. Yours (by that I mean your brand of lens) may have a slightly smaller circle. You'll just need to crop it out. It should be the same on every photo for each f-stop (the fuzziness of the shadow will vary with f-stop). In other words, don't worry - there is no problem with your lens!
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