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Hi guys i have started using Smart Sharpen in cs2 ok i set Amount to 300 Radius

to 1.0 and Remove to Lens blur all ok so far on the preview on both main image

and preview image but once i click ok and image has loaded the image goes back

to looking the same as it did before. Is this normal? and has the final image

(providing i have saved it) going to keep the sharpening settings. Thanks

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Zoom in on the photo to see the result as you will not see much change at less than 100% with those settings and you should not be emailing full resolution shots. As to your chosen settings, they sound very aggressive to my eye. But I do not care for oversharpened shots. And other settings would be more appropriate for prints.


some thoughts,



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If I am reading your post correctly, you are saying that when you use smart sharpen the preview shows the sharpening, but once you hit OK the image reverts to its original non-sharpened state. This has been my experience with smart sharpen as well, and I recall a post a few months ago about this, so it seems we are not alone with this problem. A number of suggestions were made to solve the issue, but none of them worked for me. I now use other methods of sharpening. If anyone can suggest new solutions, I too would be interested to try them.
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Yes Louise thats exactly what is happening "thought i was seeing things" even going back enlarging the image doesnt seem to of made any difference. If i try and smart sharpen again it looks to much in the preview window but nothing happens once i have pressed "ok" mmmmhh strange.
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Ensure you do not have any layer masks interfering with things. Does this fail on every image? Is your image RGB? CMYK? LAB? 8-bit or 16-bit color?


As to values, the discussion so far is rather immature and very magical. This is not meant as an insult, but instead to point out the question about values is highly dependent upon both the image at hand (landscape, cityscape, insect macro, portrait, ... and the texture of the content) and on the intended output(JPEG for the web/email, 200 DPI print, 300 DPI print, ...).


If you want it simple, then take a look at http://www.thelightsrightstudio.com/TLRProfessionalSharpeningToolkit.htm and use the scripts. Please be aware sharpening is non-trivial activity and there is no magic bullet/formula for all images.





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I just started a new thread about this not having noticed this one just a couple entries down (arghh!). Anyway, I can add that I am struggling with this as well. In my case the degree of sharpening I see after pressing "ok" seems to vary, but it is usually more than "a little". Maybe more like 50% or so. I have tested this and it seems to happen no matter what. It occurs for both USM and Smart Sharpening. It doesn't matter whether using just a single (background) layer or a duplicate layer; it doesn't matter what blending mode is used if its a duplicate layer; and it doesn't matter whether its 8-bits or 16-bits. In short I've tried just about everything obvious I could think of. The strangest thing for me is that I am pretty sure it didn't behave this way originally (although I could be wrong - maybe I just didn't notice it).
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Hi i to think it used to work but have checked and double checked settings and all kind of variations. it will do the same in 8 or 16 bit the picture looks really good before i press the "ok" button then the image goes back to it's original state thanks guys to all those who have shared their knoledge.
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After trying some of the suggestions here and in the other thread, I failed to make it work. So did some experimenting of my own and found a solution.


You need to set in


edit/preferences/memory and image cache


cache level to 1


Close and reload PS


The problem might be related to the use of real memory because the higher the cache level, the more memory is used.


Anyway - worked for me, post here if it helps



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