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i have had a look at your site. it looks pretty good. three minor points 1 - what is the $150 - A$250 value etc about? i would just have the price. 2 - the font on you questions page could do with being a little larger, try making it a different colour to make it easier to read, 3 - there appear to be loads of floating ?? where the paragraphs change.


hope this helps


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I don't like the meta-refresh. I have automatic redirects turned off in my browser so all I get is a blank page. At least provide a link that says "Please click here if not automatically redirected".


The samples page didn't work for me in IE. All I saw was part of a purple image with some blurry "film snips" in it. I had better results in Firefox - I could play the music but couldn't see any video. It's really bad to load up all five .mov files at once. Give the user links that popup in a new window.


Funny characters showing up in the Q&A page. Maybe because you're on a Mac and I'm on a PC. It's worth doing your own preview in IE, Firefox, and Opera to find potential problems.


Copyright issues - You'll find this is a grey area if you do some googling. (Also see magnatunes.com for some other info about this topic.) You are selling multiple DVD copies in the packages. This is analogous to buying one copy of a music CD and giving copies to friends. To be strictly legal, some say you must license the music for use as a DVD soundtrack. Practically speaking, few people do that.


Purchasing a copy of the song for someone and giving them a copy sounds like it could be legal. It's at least good faith. You just happen to be giving them the downloades song on the DVD with your images. Just buy one copy of the song per DVD. At a minimum, it's a good faith effort.


Pricing seems low. Even $150 for a single DVD is low. Charge $25 for additional copies. (Remember to purchase a copy of each song for each DVD produced.) Call the pricing something like an introductory special. If you are going to scan and color correct 80 negatives, it seems like a lot of work for only $150.

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