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We're leavin' on a jet plane . . .

Rob F.

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. . . do know when we'll be back again (in a week).


We are heading to California--LA, Palm Desert, and San Diego. I

boiled everyting down to an M7, M6TTL, 24mm, 28/2, 35/2, 50/2, and a

90 Tele-Elmarit. And lots of film. Already having withdrawal from

the 35/1.4 ASPH, the 75 Lux, and 90 AA; but I decided to travel

light. All in a Domke 803.


There was a time when traveling light meant an M2, 35 Summaron, and

90 Elmarit. Oh, well.


'Bye for now. Talk to you in CA if I can find a puter.

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Other than reasons of "want" what justifies having all these lenses ?


This is a serious question, not kicking against anybodies shins here. There is another thread which discusses focal lenght and which ones to have or have not. The end choice obviously being personal. But a setup like Rob's is truely very very complete, nice to have too....


But being a minimalist in terms of focal lenghts, I somtimes wonder what added value having all these lenses have, I would reckon a 24,50 and 75/90 would do the trick, perhaps several versions of your favorite lens but thats it... Just thinking of having to change lenses all of the time....

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I agree with Jonathan. I'd leave the 28 because it is too close to the 24. Then I'd leave

either the 35 or the 50, not both. Last I'd take a 90. Of course, all this depends on how

you like to shoot. Depending on whether you tend to prefer wide lenses or tight lenses

you might find that you can get by with the 24/35/75 or the 28/50/90.


Of course, if I had all that glass in my bag I'd probably want to take it too. Traveling light

to me means one M6-TTL and my 35 'cron ASPH and lots of film.


Anyway, hope you have a fine time on your trip with lots of time to shoot.


Frank Farmer

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What a coincidence... My plane leaves in about 6 hours today, for Germany. And, like you, Rob, I'm carrying two bodies and five lenses (28, 35, 50, 90 & 135), plus 40+ rolls of film in a big Lowepro AW 5 bag (I'll come back in a month).


I'll break it down to halves with a small Domke F5XB bag, for walks around the towns I may hit. That AW 5 is a terrific bag in terms of capacity, but not quite the best to maneouver in the field.


Have a nice California trip! :)

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<I>"/...for those of you who travel with a kit that includes a 50mm lens, how often do you really use it?... Thoughts?"</I>


I've never shot with anything else. In fact I've borrowed everything from 28 to 100 but the 50 is the only thing that I feel comfortable with.


I really can't imagine what I'd do with a whole bag full of lenses.

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"I really can't imagine what I'd do with a whole bag full of lenses."


Well, usually what I do with them is waste time changing lenses and missing shots ;-). One body with a 50 is pretty much all I can manage. If I'm really with it on a particular day, I can manage switching to the 28 a few times, but mostly I just stick with the 50 and look for the pictures I can take with that.

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<I> usually what I do with them is waste time changing lenses and missing shots

</I><P>The problem with carrying too many lenses is you gotta <I>think</I> too much.

Alot of photography is reacting to what's going on around you. Just shoot and don't think too

much. If you're worried about lenses and which one to use and whether the right on is on the

camera, or where the heck it is in the bag, you're lost. Just my opinion.

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<P>And this is why i like SLRs when the trip is substantial(ly) long.

<p>I would take either the R 6.2 or the R7. Lately, most of the time I am using Leica, I would pick the R7 ($900 from eBay) and a Vario Elmar-R 35-70 f/3.5. Now wouldn't that make more sense than so many primes and bodies ?

<P>Please look at the R when you have time. This is one of Leica's finest.

<br>Good luck.

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Did a US tour shooting a band on the road last Autum. Took my M4 classic, M3 along with 35 asph lux, 50 nocti, 50 cron, 90 cron asph and a VC 21/4 which I used only once at the Hollywood Bowl.


I did maybe 75% if not more with just the 35, used the nocti a lot more than the cron and 90, only when the band was on stage.


I could easily have done with just two lenses, the 35 lux and the Nocti for they both let me shoot anywhere with Tri-x, Neopan 1600, 400NC and fuji press 800.


I find that the difference between 35mm / 50mm is significant and feel no need for a 28 or a 24 but thats just me.


The 35mm lux is my idea of the perfect Leica lens despite its larger proportions. I do miss my old 4th gen pre asph 35mm cron which is the best Leica lens I ever owned from a technical quality/handling perspective (followed closely by the last tabbed 50mm cron).

But my style needs the extra stop more than the quality of the slower optics so I've gone the way of the Lux.


As they all say, keep it simple and in my case, fast!.

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