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Photoshop problem with brightness level

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I`ve recently tried to use a "brightness level" to darken somewhat to

bright areas of an image. I selected the bright area of the image and

put it to an level to finally multiplying that level with the

background. So far so good. When I closely inspected the image I

realised, that there was an unwanted impact on not chosen parts of the

image too, making especially grass and leaves looking very soft, yes

somehow muddy indeed. Have I missed something regarding that technique?


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I may be missing what you're trying to accomplish so forgive me if I am.


I'd work with channels on this one. You can get some great contast and pick up some detail in your red channel.

Then use curves for lightening up.


OK - now, on another note.... I reread your original post and I'm wondering if your trying to add contrast? "to darken somewhat to bright areas of an image" I'm not sure what you mean. However, if you need to select the light areas, select luminosity (ctrl-alt-shft-~).



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