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Review: 85/1.2L, 85/1.2L II & 85/1.8 by WL Castleman

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William L. Castleman has posted "This third edition of the lens review

has been completed after evaluation of the EF 85mm f/1.2L II (second

version of the 1.2L lens or mark II) which was released in April,

2006. The EF 85mm f/1.2L II was compared with the first version of the

lens (EF 85mm f/1.2L or mark I) and with the EF 85mm f/1.8 lens. In

the previous edition of this review, I indicated that I could have

given the review the title, "In Praise of the EF 85mm f/1.8 Lens."



If you have a 85/1.2L II, then William would like to hear from you.



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Well I guess I made the right decision. For $315, the f/1.8 seems like a bargain compared to the f/1.2 Mark II that sells for $2000. I just bought the 85mm f/1.8 and was concerned that it would'nt be as sharp as the 1.2. I haven't had a chance to shoot with my new 1.8 but will this weekend. Can't wait!
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I've got both the F1.8 and the F1.2 Mark I....before, I replaced the F1.8 with the F1.2 but I missed the fast responsiveness of the F1.8's auto focus for events and sports, so I got it back.


I use the F1.2 for portraits, still life, fairly static scenes especially when available light is used. The F1.2 provides better contrast and color rendition then does the F1.8...but as we all know the F1.2 Mark I focuses very slowly, so it's usage niche is fairly narrow. Still, I'm glad to have them both, as they have different missions, etc. And of course F1.2 is faster then F1.8.

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Dan, after reading Castleman's review particularly regarding AF speed and doing your own hands on comparo: Would you considering selling both your 85mm lenses and getting a 85/II? or Selling the 85/I and getting an 85/II? or Do you think you'll keep both your current 85s?


I guess what I'm really after is would you keep both lenses if having the newer 85/II did all you asked of it?


Just curious.



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Dan Funk, that's a good question....I doubt that selling both my 85's will offet the price of the new Mark II 85...I wish I could do that, as I would love to have just one 85. Perhaps in time the price of the new mark II will come down...as for now, no hurry
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The 85/1.2 Mk II is not, and probably never will be in my dream lens list. As a past owner of the 85/1.8, I can say it's good enough for me. DoF in f/1.8 is so shallow that I would often stop it down to f/2.8 (hence I don't lust for anything with faster AF), sharpness is incredible from max aperture, flare resistance is excellent, distortion is non-existent, AF is very fast but there were times I wished for an even faster AF (so anything slower is not acceptable). The only thing I liked about the 85/1.2 is its weight. I played with a friend's lens and it balances really nice on my 1D. However, pay so much only for this? No way.




In Praise of the EF 85mm f/1.8 Lens? Absolutely.



Happy shooting,


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Well, I too have the "L" disease.


I spend way too much money on lenses. At least, it is a better addiction than gambling.


But the 85/1.2L (neither version) is on my list. But I do have the 85/1.8. I get excited every time I put it on the camera.

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<p> A small correction: </p>

<p> I wrote: <i>DoF in f/1.8 is so shallow that I would often stop it down to f/2.8 (hence I don't lust for anything with faster <b>AF</b>)</i>.... </p>

<p> That should be: <i>DoF in f/1.8 is so shallow that I would often stop it down to f/2.8 (hence I don't lust for anything with faster <b>aperture</b>)</i>.... </p>


<p> Happy shooting, <br>

Yakim. </p>

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