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how to delete critiquers photo from my page

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A critiquer of one of my portrait shots has posted a photo of theirs

on my page, how do I delete this. I have tried contacting them but I

go to a website selling things. I have only joined up today, but I

don't want other peoples photos on my site.

Can someone please help me

kind regards

linda schofield

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Better, Linda write to abuse@photo.net. People should have real e-mail addresses if they're going to upload things to your pages -- but you should use care (I haven't viewed it to determine if it's really objectionable, but only one or two photos have ever been uploaded to my pages in two and one-half years and they've always been welcome -- they were people's personal triumphs or editing attempts on my own photographs or even links to their photos (or editing on their photos). I look at it this way: Any traffic in comments can be commented back on, unless it's just 'weird' in which case you should write Abuse@photo.net and explain the situation and ask them to look at it. Be thorough, non-emotional and concise, but don't expect miracles. If it's within the guidelines, they'll let it stay, and it not, it may suddenly be 'disappeared' and you won't have any worries (give it a day or two after you write or a little longer even).


John (Crosley)

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This doesn't look like an abuse situation. Someone posted a photo as a counterpoint, maybe to show something. The site that is "selling" is a result of having a domain that isn't hosted anywhere, not because they are merchandising anything.


If you don't want anyone posting under your photo, buy your own domain and host it somewhere. Works quite well. On the other hand, you lose the community aspects.

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Photo net is designed around the concept of photographer interaction a community of photographers in open dialogue if you will.


It might help if you alert folk to your wishes. Like post a comment to your own pic and request the type of interaction you prefer.


You can either disapprove a comment if you wish. Or alternatively delete the photograph and repost it up. That will clear all the comments.


Hmmm ...Scotts Head eh. Nice spot!

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Linda, when you submit for critiques, of course, you want people to view your photo and provide critiques. As mentioned, sometimes people upload a fix of your photo, sometimes a link, sometimes a similar photo of their own, etc. All of these are fair game unless someone steps out of line, like using profanity.


I viewed your photo and the attachment in question and I found nothing wrong with the uploaded image. From my point of view, the guy was only sharing with you a similar photo, of kids having fun on a beach theme. He wrote nothing negative. It's a "community" thing. If you have a hard time dealing with such critiques, you may have a hard time with this site. You cannot "disapprove" a critique on the photo. Your only option if you are unhappy is to delete your photo and upload again as I believe emailing abuse will not help.

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I removed the comment with its photo attachment. Comments on photos should be on-topic. The topic is the photo. The comment in this case was marginally on-topic, but the only connection between the photo attached to the comment and the photo being discussed was that it also showed some kids at the beach. The comment didn't even make mention of the attached photo, and the attached photo wasn't particularly illustrative of the point in the comment, other than the comment said the beach girl in the subject photo was cute, and the beach kids in the attached photo were cute. Indeed, it is hard to say what the point of the comment was, other than to give the commenter a pretext for posting a cute-kids photo of his own.


It's human nature for people to want to share their photos, but photos posted in the Gallery are supposed to be invitations for critique and commentary on that photo. That doesn't make them like No Words threads where people can post any old photo they want to post that is related in their minds to the subject photo. If somebody wants to start a thread where everybody shows their photos of kids at the beach, start a thread in the No Words forum. Or start a NW thread in the Leica forum if the photo is black and white, looks kind of Leica-ish, and has nice bokeh. Don't turn somebody's Gallery photo discussion into a No Words thread where everybody posts his own photos of similar subjects.

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