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RAW update for Photoshop CS and new Canon EOS 30 D


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I recently bought a Canon EOS 30 D and would line to download the

RAW files to Adobe Photoshop CS to work on, but Adobe has not

published a new Camera RAW update for the EOS 30 D. Does anyone

know when or if they have done this yet. Or is there a way around


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Why not check with Adobe? Why do you think that anyone on this forum would know more about what software Adobe makes available than Adobe knows?


If I wanted to know what lenses Canon has for sale, I would ask Canon before asking here. If I wanted to know what video cards Matrox sells, I'd check the Matrox website before asking here.


Why not check www.adobe.com for info about RAW support for the 30D? Wouldn't that be the logical place to look? If anyone here was to answer your question, how would they do so other than by checking the Adobe website?

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He might not have heard of the Adobe forums.




I think it would have been more constructive to provide this link than to spend several paragraphs faulting John Willard for daring to ask the question here.


If you don't like the question, wouldn't it be easier to skip it, and go on to another thread?

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Peter White, your responce was not only completely useless and tasteless. It showed your unwillingness to respect and move the art of photography foward.


psorry about the poor grammer skills.



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The Adobe forums are excellent and sometimes you can catch Thomas Knoll there - the creator of Photoshop. Adobe updates ACR from time to time to add new camera support and also sometimes with software improvements. Let us know what you find, and for current ACR users, if there are any improvements beyond new camera support.


Important: be sure to read the ReadMe to ensure that your update is done correctly! Details such as location of file is very important. Is had changed since earlier versions of Photoshop!




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<i>Peter White, your responce was not only completely useless and tasteless. It showed your unwillingness to respect and move the art of photography foward.</i><br><br>

Yes, it is unfortunate that we have JA's like this on the forum. <br><br>

You could use Raw Shooter Essentials if you don't want to upgrade to CS2.

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I had the same problem. Rather than waiting for Adobe, I bit the bullett and used the included CANON SW. The "CANON Professional" Raw viewing utility has a built-in function to "transfer image to Photoshop". It does so quite swiftly, converting the file to a large TIFF. Works much better than some posted batch files or interim utilities.




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Very simply, Photoshop CS will never (directly) support the 30D. For that matter, it doesn't support the 350D either. CS works only with Camera Raw (ACR) version 2, whose development ceased before either of those cameras existed. The current version of ACR is 3.3, which doesn't yet have official support for the 30D. Presumably ACR 3.4 will support it.


As a way of gently encouraging users of CS to pay Adobe the $150 "tribute" for an upgrade to CS2, ACR 3.x won't work with CS. You have to upgrade if you want to use ACR with any camera that came out after Adobe stopped supporting CS and ACR 2. But since Adobe are really Good Guys rather than complete corporate bullies, they generously provide a way for users of older versions to use ACR with new cameras. Available for free download is a program that converts the formats that ACR 3 supports to DNG, the "standard" raw format that Adobe is pushing. ACR 2 supports DNG, so you can avoid the "tribute" payment by going through the extra step of converting your files to DNG before running Photoshop CS. It's up to you to decide whether avoiding that inconvenience is worth the $150.


When Adobe releases ACR 3.4 (presumably with 30D support), they will probably also release an update to the DNG converter.

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Sounds easier to simply use the included Canon DPP 2 if you don't want to pay for the

upgrade. DPP is actually pretty good and default conversions are much better than PSCS

anyway (fewer tweaks needed).

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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