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Tokina 28-70mm f2.6


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Hello! i was wondering if this lens is any good? The build, picture

quality, good uner low light?


I currently have a d50 w/ 18-55mm kit lens. Do you think the TOkina

will work well together?


Thanks for all your support and help!


oh and...where can i this lens for cheap? new, used,


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Overlap can and may be required to get the job done.


I have a number of lenses that "overlap". Each has attributes that I need at different times. Which I why I have several cameras. :)


For example: On every event I go to I bring 3-4 cameras each having their own 50 1.4 dedicated lens.


I also have multiple cameras each designed to do a specific job.



Now on to the question at hand:


Get the lens - its terrific. Disclaimer here: Its terrific for how I use it and compared to what I have neeed for.


It will work on your D50.


I use the lens wide open 100% of the time on my D2h. It basically lives on that particular camera body. I am actually stocking up on these lenses as there are getting harder to find and I use them almost as much as my 50 1.4 and 50 1.2's


I shoot low light action (rock concerts) using this lens and it works very , very well. The build quality is 10/10. All metal construction ( not plastic - except the hood) that being said it may well weigh more than your D50. Get the lens hood that is designed for it.


I love it for those times when I need to manual focus on my D2h or the D2x as it hasa clutch system that engages when you slide the focusing rign, instanlty turning off the AF and putting it into MF mode. Its very slick and works great for how I work.


Dont use a filter on this lens as it will cause flare in some extreme cases ( which I usually find myself in :) ). Not a problem specifically with the lens ( my Nikon 200 2.8 does the same thing) , but rather due to the amount of space between the front element and the filter.


See my portfollio concert pic's for a few shots from this lens. ( artist 2 and artist 3). Made some real nice promotional posters and CD-covers out of those shots.


For reference I have also owned and compared this lens to the Sigma's and the Nikons. It beats them both without question.


If you cant find the Tokina 28-70 the Tokina 28-80 2.8 is also real good.


Check out KEH.com as they sometimes have them on their site. The lens can also be found on EBAY. But like I said earlier make sure you get the lens specific lens hood (if you need it) when you buy the lens as the lens uses a bayonet mount specific to that lens family.


Look for the Tokina ATX-PRO II or Atx-PRO-III


Not sure what your idea of cheap is , but mine I usually get for around $225 -$250 in EX condtion.

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I have the 28-70 AT-X Pro. Just bought an EX grade from KEH. I had one years ago with my F100, but sold it. Now I use mine with a D2H.</p>


The Tokina is surprisingly well-built for a 3rd party lens. It's very sharp (pretty good even wide open) and fairly contrasty. It's fast-focusing, but slightly noisy, if that's a consideration for you. It's not as good as the Nikon AF-S, but then it's about 1/3 the price. </p>


I'd have to agree with Michael, though. I understand the 18-55 is a pretty good lens. Unless you need the speed and will replace it with the Tokina, I'd suggest an 80-200.

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James -


If you are interested in a longer zoom then go look at photozone and pick a 3rd party lens that seems to have the qualities you are looking for (sharpness etc). Here is the link: http://www.photozone.de/8Reviews/index.html


If you look at these reviews I think you will find a lot of interesting options. Then go to KEH and see if the lens that interests you fits your budget. For example, the Sigma AF 55-200mm f/4-5.6 DC looks fairly sharp for a budget lens option, and at KEH it sells for $115. See http://www.keh.com/OnLineStore/ProductList.aspx


For Nikon lenses, the reviews here seem to be accurate: http://www.naturfotograf.com/index2.html

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I've had my ATX-Pro II 28-70 2.6-2.8 permanently welded on to my F4 (only joking). A fine lens with a slight tendency for corner softness wide open. In "low light" I'd suggest a prime lens: I use 35/2, 50/1.8 or 85/1.8 Nikkors - faster, sharper and less likely to flare. Build is very good indeed.
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Hi all,


I am a newbie here. Thanks for everyone's contribution and I find the information posted by you guys are very useful indeed.


I am also in the process of purchasing AT-X 280 Pro. This lens was released about 5 years back, I am just wondering if I can still get a brand new in the market. I have asked a friend in HK but he cannot find it as it's out of stock.


Is Tokina still producing this lens?



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