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Leica IIIA & Nikkor S-C 50mmF1.4 Repair & Info needed


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I recently won an EBay auction for a Leica IIIA that includes the

lower leather case and a Nikkor S-C 50mmF1.4 chrome lens. The body

is described as being in Ugly condition and will require a good CLA

to bring it up to par as a user. However I was actually looking at

this auction for the Nikkor S-C 50mmF1.4 lens that was the attached

lens. I plan to use this very lens on my Leica M4-2 for low light.


Is the Leica IIIA a camera worth fixing along with the Nikkor lens?

Can anyone reccommend a good inexpensive repairman whom can work on

both the camera body and the lens?


This is the auction #:Item number: 7609986681

Leica IIIa 35mm Rangefinder Camera w/ Nikkor-S.C 5cm


I was also told that these bodies were counterfeited in huge

numbers. How do I tell if this one is a counterfeited camera?


I thank all in advance for any help and advice regarding this camera

and lens.



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The body is legit, everything I see in the pictures looks right. You got a good deal if the lens is "as described". (The camera was essentially free.)


Yes, the IIIa is a nice camera if you want something lightweight and small. It takes fine pictures. But the viewfinder/rangefinder is not as easy to use as the one on an M, this is not a "fast acting" camera.


I wouldn't pinch pennies on the lens CLA, DAG is the the way to go.


Any competent repairman of mechanical cameras should be able to CLA a Leica IIIa. Embarassingly easy.

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Thomas and John,


Thanks for your reply. I will definitely use DAG for the lens, as my original plan was to buy it

for my M4-2 use. As for the Leica IIIA, I have to wait and check over the entire camera once it

arrives. It boils down to the fact if I want to restore the IIIA to be a user, or keep it as is.

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Al and Dan,


Thanks for your opinion. Al, I noticed in several of your posting of how you praise this lens. I tried to locate a Zeiss Sonnar 50mmF1.5, but had a hard time finding a good one at a reasonable price. As for the Russian Jupiter-3, 50mmF1.5 Sonnar copy, that would be a hit or a miss on a good one.


How does the Nikkor 50mmF1.4 stacks up against the Zeiss Sonnar 1.5 and also the Russian Sonnar copy?



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Well, I just recieved the camera and the lens. The overall condition was far better then what was shown on the EBay auction. The camera itself feels very smooth and just requires a good cleanup on the exterior and a good CLA for the internal gears. The bottom baseplate was as described with some scratches, but still not as the stated UGLY rating. The lens, well its a gem! Its very clean throughout and I do not see any sign of corrosive as stated. The focusing barrel is a bit stiff and there at least 2 small flecks inside that will be reomved in the CLA.


I plan to send the camera body to Youxin Ye in Boston and the lens to DAG.

I thank all that has responsed to my question!



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I took a peak at your website and must say , WOW! Your photography is fantastic nd if the Nikkor lens will give me that "look", then I will be more then please. The 15mm is a awesome lens that I plan to add to my list of lenses to buy.


Thank you for your advice.



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I've tried the 12 and it is interesting but vignettes a lot more than the 15. Wide open the, because of the vignetting, you have to treat it as an f/8 rather than f/5.6. I use the 15 wide open all the time, and it's more than sharp enough for an 8x12 inch image on 11x14 paper.
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