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digital labs


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Hi, I'm a wedding photographer that's (FINALLY) shooting digital. Yes, I searched these

labs on the forum before asking this question...no it wasn't answered! He he...!

I'd like how you all feel about Digilabs vs. Smugmug vs Mpix. I've heard good and bad

about all.

What my needs are

1.) online viewing and ordering set to MY price.

2.) great quality

3.) coffee table books and porfolio magazines. (Not in any particular order.)

Here's the thing.

Smugmug looks perfect but doesn't offer #3.

Digilabs looks great but they already have a problem with showing me certain tours since

I'm on a Mac. Plus they have too many pricing options for hosting (commission+print cost

or a steeper monthly).

Mpix doesn't have hosting or coffee books and I don't sell enough to use Millerlabs.


So, does anyone have recommendations to a great lab that has everything I need? Or

should I settle for using a Smugmug+Digilabs combo?

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Look at the post just before yours. I use Photographic Processing Inc. They use a proprietary software that allows on-line proofing, ordering, album design, ftp/email lab orders etc. Give Vance a call at 410-760-8778, or email me an I will send you my number to tell you how I have been using there services....john
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I recommend smugmug! They properly support Mac, and have a simply and easy uploader. Literally, drag a pile of photos on this app and there they go! They are very low priced and charge comission only on your *markup* not the total sale.


For your coffee table books and such, use a pro lab, or Shutterfly is cheap and has a decent web based layout for simple books.


mpix has a terrible website (good luck cropping!!), but print quality is decent.


I've never used digilabs. In my opinion, don't bother with companies that have their heads so far up their @$$ they do not use web standards, much less support Mac.


Aaron Lee

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I'm using two, printroom.com and winkflash.com. I'm about to test drive mpix.com. I've ordered the sampler packs of paper from them.


I use printroom.com for most of my prints. They have decent services and with the pro upgrade pack, $99 a year, you can set you own prices. The only down sides I see with them is I don't like their upload programs. I never can upload a batch of photos with out some problem. and there is a size limit on what you can keep but you can purchase upgrades for 100 meg at 20 bucks a shot.


As for winkflash.com the only thing I can really recommed them for is they are cheap and fast. I use them for all my 4x6 prints that I would use walmart for. For instant when I'm ordering a 130 vactation 4x6 from Disney land. Last time I checked 4x6 where 8 cents a pop and the quality was pretty good.

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  • 3 months later...
For clarification, DigiLabs DOES support Mac and has done so for years. What Zofia is referring to is our one of our tutorials is not functioning properly on Safari. We provide step-by-step text instructions in our getting started guide which makes the tutorial superfluous and we also offer toll-free tech support in which we walk photographers thru our software (Yes - Mac).
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