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Pro vs Mini Lab Dev only

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Hi, I wonder if anyone can advise me on this..


How big a difference is the developing stage of film between a prolab and a mini

lab? Is it just the amount of care they take in handling your negs replacing

chemicals etc? Does it make a big/noticable difference? Also is not getting pro

film pro developed a waist?



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It's harder to evaluate such thing with C41 because, at least in my opinion, with negatives you are dealing with ghost images that you can't see and have to print to evaluate, and that introduces its own deviations etc., but when it comes to E6, what I noticed when comparing something like a pro Q-lab, and a consumer lab doing E6 is that pro labs are much cleaner, no stains, no scratches, carefull handling etc, while you can get all these from a consumer lab (but not always).

In terms of image itself, well never really made a test, because I switched to pro labs without looking back. But If a consumer lab deals with their soup properly, there should be no differences. If not, you can get variations in contrast, color casts etc. But that is something you can judge for yourself. They can also have trouble with silver bleaching, which can cause grain, desaturation and similar problems found in cheapest of minilab services, giving you dull grainy negatives. Never saw that with E6 though, but doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Is developing pro film at a consumer lab a waist? Well if its a bad lab, of course it is, but so is letting them develop your cheap consumer film.

Both kinds of film benefit from good processing.

I think there is far more bad C41 processing out there than E6, because small cheap labs usually don't even bother processing E6.


I'm getting dip and dunk first-class pro E6 processing for only $5 per roll, that's really cheap I think.

If you can find a similar price, there really is no reason why you should take your chances with labs that can't affoard dip and dunk machinery or making test strips every day.

If not, test and see, there is no reason why a consumer minilab doing everything by the book can't give you similar results.

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Unless you are processing strobe test, cheap processing is a WASTE of money. Last time I used one, I took the belt off my WAIST and hung the operator with it.


Seriously, if you car about your film, pro is the only way. Get a list of Kodak Q-Labs off their wedsite. They are listed by state.

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I was quite upset with the scratches and spots on both negatives and films from my pro lab. So I found myself a really good consumer lab, really clean place, and I happen to know the owner who assured me he will give my films extra care. I gave one roll of negative film to try, and after having seen the results, I returned to my pro lab without hesitation.
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