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shortest focus for a leica m 90mm

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hello to all,


i have a thin leica tele elmarit 90/2.8. the problem is that the

shortest distance i can focus is 1,0m.

for portraits of children i would like to go closer, so that i get

just the face and no surroundings.

my question is: does the current elmarit or any other leica m 90mm

lens focus closer than 1,0m?

thanks for the advice, chris

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Also close focusing, though not a 90mm, is the new 75mm/2 Apo-Summicron ASPH to just

under 0.7m, and has more useable apertures for portraiture than the 90mm/2.8 or Macro

Elmar. The 90mm/4 Macro Elmar focuses to a smaller area without the adapter than the

75mm/2. They are both corrected to be very sharp at minimum focus distance.

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