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Anybody know about Hotbuyselectronics.com

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Hi all, I'm looking for Elmarit 90mm chrome lens and got to above

website. It has a really good price $949.98. Because the price is

too good to be true, I called the store which based in Brooklyn, NY.

First thing, they asked me if I wanted to have a new or used one

(according to the ad on their website, I believe all item are new)

then asked me if I wanted to have one made in Canada or Germany. I

told them that I wanted to have new one made in Germany. They told

me the price would be $1150 ! This price is still acceptable for

me. However, I have a doubt about their company. Anyone had an

experience with this store, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

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I will suggest that you not do business with this firm. I suspect there's a good chance you

may not be happy in the end. Yes, B$H will give you a good price, but from my own

experience (and everything I have read here over the years), I would suggest that you look

up Rich Pinto (Photovillage.com- a some-time poster here...), or Robert White; or Craig at

Tamarkin (again, .com works) or some other smaller dealer that will give you just as good

a lens, for a competetive price. I bet Better to send your sales mark-up money to a

smaller company who needs it more, and will give you good service along with the price

you want to pay.

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<p>Even $950 is a ridiculous amount of money for a 90mm lens for 35mm. If this is a rangefinder lens just get the Cosina ("Voigtländer") alternative or a Canon or Nikon 85mm (other than f1.5), If it's for the R, consider any of various excellent alternatives and add the price of whatever "rear lens cap" you need.</p><p><em>the price would be $1150 ! This price is still acceptable for me.</em></p><p>Yes? I'd spend the difference on film, a vacation, beer, etc.</p>
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They asked me if I wanted the 24MM Elmarit ASPH lens made in Japan or Germany. The German lens was $200.00 more.

Since I have been a Leica Devotee for fifty -four years, I used a few unmentionable phrases and hung up.

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