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Minolta 5400 scanner locks up on batch scan

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I know that there are some software issues [i.e. hanging, not finding the scanner, etc] but

these can usually be resolved by turning the scanner off and restarting the OS.


My scanner has recently started to make some nasty noises when shifting from one slide

to the next or ejecting. Not very often, maybe every 20th batch. Sometimes the damn

thing also just gets stuck and the software hangs.


After moving to mac OS 1.3.9 from 10.3.8 things seem to have gotten worse. I checked

the Minolta site - version 1.1.5 is the latest driver and I've had that for months anyhow.


Any hints and tips people?

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How much RAM to you have? Before upgrading to 1Gb sometimes mine would hang

whenever I opened too many applications. And then there are the times when it seems to

hang but is just 'thinking'...


I did have one hanging incident where I had to turn it off and back on, which unfortunately

did something to the hardware inside such that it wouldn't accept the slide carrier. Made

all sorts of strange noises even while setting up. Had to return to Minolta for repair but no

problems since.

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I've got a GB of ram, so I don't think thats it...


It does actually seem to get physically stuck sometimes. I saw another post about this.


How much of an issue is it, and is it bad software causing the mechanics to freeze or a real

mechanical problem?


Looking for advice from other 5400 owners, here.



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Empty your cache every so often. 1G's OK but not big when you're batch scanning...


Don't scan from within Photoshop (some people do that, not realizing what a memory hog that is).


Don't use Photoshop for other purposes while scanning.

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Every now and again when I execute an index scan, my 5400 makes a really strange shreek when it moves the carrier into position for the first image, and the scans will just be noise, no images. I have to turn it off and back on again. I have not had the lock-up problem yet.


The Minolta driver software is just plain grouchy!

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