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Member Portfolios Removed From Member Information Page?

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It seems that the links to member portfolios have been removed from

the member information section. In addition, the small images of the

3 most recently uploaded photos is gone as well. Is this just an

error, or is this a permanent change that has been made to the site?

Currently, you cannot get a listing of a member's portfolio folders or

presentations from their homepage. I hope that this is not a new

design that has been decided upon. If you cannot easily get to a

member's images, then why are there even portfolios on the site?

Surely, we are not intended to view all images on the site through the

TRP section. What's the deal with this change?

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Bartek, it can't possibly be intentional. You post an image that can't actually be seen!!! The only way an image could be seen with things as they are is if the rate recent queue managed to get you enough ratings to get into your most frequently rated shots.


I am sure this is just a little bugling and will get sorted :)

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My new photos are seen in TRP and crit req. also in under my id , when i take rating recived. This change should give fact in order to removed Very high begining rates and destroy mutual adorations. I understand this as it's
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I am quite annoyed that admin. has failed to respond to this thread!


Even to say that it is a problem they don't understand, or that they are attempting to sort

it out would be polite.


If this is a new policy, then their failure to respond to this question is just rude!


In another thread Brian talked about his fears about bad publicity for this site, well in my

opinion the lack of admin. responce here is very damaging.


In anticipation, Nick.

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Would it be better if we actually took the site down while maintenance was being done. For those who caught it, we were actually down with a sign up that said that we were doing maintenance come back in a couple of hours. We came back up again in a few minutes, but there were still a few things that had to be sorted out.
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<i>Over a photography web site...It's suppose to be fun...Gawd...what next?</i><p>

Just a photography web site? Is that all you really think of this place? I got so mad that I banged my computer with a hammer and threw it in the trash! Now I see it was all a mistake! Who's going to pay for this mess? Brian, have you no idea what you put us through? Have mercy!

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Currents - not to worry. Amazingly enough, none of your unposted photos were affected. Of course, since you trashed your computer, you can't read all the reassuring responses that will be on their way. But any reason to buy a new computer is a good one, eh?
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You certainly have no reason to worry, Barry. Okay, I'm going to award you one genuine, brazen 7/7 mate rate! Now, just to cover my tracks so no one will know what I'm doing, I'm going to put it on a <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/3073389">great image</a> that deserves it anyway -- plausible deniability, you see. But let me assure you that it is secretly because I like you and I want you to feel really good about yourself and your work. <p>


Yes, I know, this will create a firestorm and we will probably be banned should anyone find out. But so long as I don't upload any images, you can never be accused of reciprocity.

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