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Rebel XT shutter release failure


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I am shooting with a Rebel XT which is presently one year old, with about 7500

exposures shot. These past couple of days, I've had some occurrences of what

appears to be a failure in the shutter release. I press, and nothing

happens. Sometimes I've been shooting in aperture priority (Av) with AI Servo

focus, and other times just in program mode (P) in single shot mode. On both

occassions, focus seems to have been achieved--signaled by the beep and

illuminated focus points in single shot mode. And on both occassions the

camera was able to calculate a valid exposure value, and nothing in the

viewfinder was flashing. I'm not using flash or anything else external.

Sometimes I need to press, press again, and then yet again before I get my

exposure. Or in another case I held down the shutter release until finally,

after a couple seconds, it fired off two quick exposures.


It's possible that a drop of rain seeped into the gap around the shutter

release, and I'm worried that's my problem here--a slightly wet contact. Does

anyone else have experience with this problem?




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One of my 10D bodies gave me similar symptoms and fortunately I had a battery grip on it with its alternate shutter release so I was not totally defeated. Mine was indoors and dry when the shutter release failed but this body had not been used for about 6 weeks prior to this.

After some exercise of the intermittent release it has become almost normal. It occasionally requires a little extra pressure.


As a temporary work-around if your camera is needed, try using the remote cable release.

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Had a similar shutter relaease problem with my Rebel XT after being out in cold weather for several hours (-30 degrees). I eventually got into a car to warm the body up. Within half hour or so the shutter release began to function again. Haven't had a problem with it since.


Kim Warren

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I purchased a Canon Rebel XT few weeks ago. Couple of days ago I experienced the same problem where the shutter failed to release. After several failed attempts it started to work again on its own. During a wedding party I came across another user of Rebel XT and he had experienced the same problem several time in last few months...
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