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Canon S3 IS or panasonic Lumix TZ1?

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My film camera (Yashica T4) and my digital camera (Sony DSC-T1) burned in a fire. I'm

getting a new digital camera. It will be my everyday camera, but I am also going to do

earthquake relief in Pakistan and plan to tale it with me. I want image stabilization. Please

help me decide between the new Canon S3 IS and the new Panasonic Lumix TZ1.


Canon plus: It uses AA batteries. Lumix uses proprietary. I could use the EVF instead of the

LCD sometimes.


Lumix plus: It is cheaper and smaller.


I am really unsophisticated and do not know how to compare these. Is the Lumix IS better?

How about ease of use? (I do know something about film photography. Years ago I used a

Nikon FM2, the very soul of simplicity).


If I had to decide today, I'd pick the Canon for the AA batteries issue. Can anyone think of

a reason for me to go Lumix TZ1?

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I don't know about the S3 IS. I don't think it has started to ship yet, but maybe I'm wrong now. In any case it compares more to Panasonic's FZ7, as both have a 12x zoom. The TZ1 has a little shorter zoom (10x) and smaller aperture (f/5 at the long end), but it is also smaller/lighter. It also lacks a viewfinder. Something I think every long lens camera should have, since it's easier to hold steady when pressed to your forehead. I doubt anyone really knows how these two will compare until yet.


In the past, the Panasonic FZ3 and FZ5 have received higher marks in most reviews than the Canon S1 IS or S2 IS. To me, the use of rechargable AA batteries is a big plus for the S3 IS. The Panasonics usually have more digital noise issues, but they have focused faster & created sharper images. If Canon gets those issues fixed, the S3 IS should be a great little megazoom camera.


DPReview.com should have reviews of them both shortly after they become available.

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Nothing negative to say about the Panasonic, but for me a huge plus on the Canon's side is its pivoting lcd, enabling you to take low-angled and waist-held photos.<p>


I took a number of the photos in <a href=http://flickr.com/photos/74058404@N00/sets/72057594112506026/show/>this set</a> using the S2 IS, often relying on that pivoting lcd to frame the shot.<p>


Jim may be correct incidentally that the S3, though announced, hasn't yet arrived in the stores.<p>


While AA batteries are more readily available, all of these consumer level electronic cameras are vulnerable. They can be dropped, get banged, get wet, etc. Might want to think of an inexpensive film back-up -- perhaps something along the lines of the very capable and weather resistant Olympus Stylus Epic? If something goes wrong, at least you'll still have *a* camera to use. After all, how frequently do you plan on visiting Pakistan?<p>


Good luck and safe travels on your upcoming earthquake relief work. It's important work.

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I'd put some research into your earthquake relief location. Do you really think you will have mains power to recharge batteries and run some image storage device (e.g. laptop)? What are the chances of theft? Will you really want a telephoto capability, or desparately crave a wide angle? How big of a camera is really convenient to carry with what you'll be doing?
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Thank you all for your replies. I think the usage of AA batteries will be a plus, even though

the Canon eats them. I'll pick up a recharger and rechargeables. I also think I want a

viewfinder. I found that I missed a viewfinder when I had the LCD-only Sony. The swing-

out LCD will be a first for me, but I AM vain enough to want lots of self-portraits.


No one dissed either cameras IS capabilities. I am a bit concerned that the Leica-equipped

Panasonic will give sharper images, but Michael's Dominican Republic pictures tell me the

Canon will be satisfactory.


I don't plan to take a laptop with me. Perhaps two 1 GB cards will suffice. I very recently

purchased the 60 GB ipod. Maybe i can download photos to its hard drive. I'm not real

familiar with it yet.


I heeded the film advice and ordered an Olympus Stylus Epic online yesterday.


The Canon will give me a 36mm-equivalent wide angle and the Epic is similar. A really

wide angle lens would be great but I can't have everything.

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Well, last night I was at Circuit City and played with a TZ1. I liked the size and the bright

and very nice LCD and the way it zoomed. I tried the Canon S2 and it didn't feel as great,

so I don't know. The LCD was way too small, although it had an EVF. The EVF made me

wish it was a true viewfinder. I didn't like the way it zoomed either.


I guess I'll wait a bit and see. I'm now leading toward the TZ1, even though it precludes

the AA option. If I'm away from electricity, I'll rely on the film camera.

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<<S3 IS eats batteries>>


A troll, for sure. If you are using NiMH's, the battery life on the S3 IS is very good: 550 shots per charge. Anyone still trying to use alkaline batteries in any high-drain device is silly.

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