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Business Name and Business Cards


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Hello Everyone,


I have 2 questions.


1. Just about everyone I see that has a photography business uses

their name for the business name. I have been in a completely

different line of work for the past several years, and everyone

associates my name with that business. So, I have been thinking of

using a creative name for my photography business. A few people have

suggested that name is everything in the photo biz. Does anyone have

any thoughts on this?


2. After I get the name thing straight, I plan to get some business

cards created. I had planned to use some of the pictures I have taken

that I have received compliments on in the past. Some have advised

that I use photos in the cards to show samples of my work. Some have

advised that I not use photos because it may make my work look cheap.

I would like to hear thoughts about this as well.





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0. I'm a marketing person, and a photography amateur, so only qualified to answer this from one direction.


1. Your name as a business is perfectly ok, and vastly preferable to some catchy but "cheap" business name which only shows off that you were trying to come up with a catchy business name. If you are legitimately trying to start a larger business, then a well thought out name can be helpful, but I wouldn't worry about such a thing until you feel you're large enough that branding beyond your name becomes necessary.


2. As a photography professional, you're in a bad spot if people are deciding upon your work quality based upon pictures on your business cards. It is more likely that the small print on a bad medium will turn folks off rather than show off your work. Stick with something simple and to the point. Don't go cheap on the stock or the printing, but a good minimalist (but quality) card conveys professionalism, and gets the major point across, which is your name and contact information. An online gallery or conversation is your selling piece. The card just needs to back that up.

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My photography is only part-time and not a (small) business (yet, no Web site yet), but I decided to use a domain name (will also be company name) that reflects my personal interests, hiking and photographing Mt. Rainier NP. I shortened it for the domain name. I use a b&w photo on one side of the business card (helps when people ask, "What are you taking pictures of? Why?"). The photo and name often prompts people to ask about it and it's worked to start a conversation. I've seen a number of photographers' business card with photos. In the end it's a personal choice
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The fact that your name is known is not necessarily a drawback - you can still use it with "photography" appended or attached to it. When giving your cards out to those who know you, you can make a point of emphasising that this is a new venture for you and perhaps take the opportunity to show them a small portfolio of your work. ( Am assuming of course that your name is a good one :) )


As regards business cards I would personally recommend that they are of the best possible quality and as simple as you can make them whilst clearly showing your "identity". A photograph would not stand out particularly well on the normal sized card. I know that amongst my clients it is the simple and smart ones that impress me most but that is of course subjective.


Are you considering other avenues such as your own website for promotional purposes ?

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Trent, sorry to diverge a little, but to answer your question. I hope to have my Web site up later this summer, using my <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/195821">trademark photo</a> currently on my business card and on my home page. I'm hoping to continue on a long planned idea of doing a photography guide for the Park either as a pocket-type map book or Web pages for all levels of photographers (suggestions welcome). I retired a few years earlier than planned to pursue this and other photography ideas.
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Using your name in your business name is easier. You don't have to register with the county or local paper if you use your name in the business name.


Keep the business cards clean. Mine currently have a surfer in waves but it's difficult to read the text so I'm pondering a redesign. Better make sure it's an awesome photograph.

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