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Need EXIF data from old AF and manual Nikkors.


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I'm still working on the custom metering chips.

I found out that D70 and D2H store some of the lens data in the


You could help me to get further if you send me blank images as JPG

(with lens cap on an fast shutter speed) in lowest resolution and

worst JPG compression. Please don't do any postprocessing. The images

should be not greater than 100kb, I think.


Another way is to cut off the first 80kb from an image, doesn't matter

in JPG or NEF, and send me them.


I need data from the old non-D AF lenses, preferable original Nikkor.

Also data from 'P' lenses like the 500/4P and the PC 85 Micro are useful.


Mail them to: 'nkrs_lens at hotmail.com"

Please don't send files > 1MB, my space is limited.


Thanks in advance.


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T. Shepherd:


Ro is trying to add CPU chips to manual focus lenses to enable metering on those modern camera bodies which require CPU-equipped (autofocus and P) lenses. Other people have had success transplanting CPUs from AF lenses to MF lenses that have the same focal length and maximum aperture. Ro wants to produce chips even for the MF lenses that don't have an AF or P counterpart. Take a look at this photo.net <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00956N"<b>thread</b></a>.


Ro has also figured out details of how Nikon cameras encode their metadata (information about the camera settings and other conditions during an exposure). See this <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0094ct"><b>thread</b></a>. Knowing how the metadata are encoded allow people to write programs such as <a href="http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/"><b>exiftool</b></a> which do a very good job of displaying digital cameras' metadata. In the absence of programs like exiftool, we'd all have to be using Nikon's (or Canon's, or ...) software, and for some of us that's not a viable option. In addition, Nikon's programs don't show as much of the metadata as exiftool does.



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