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Repair of 90mm Leaf Shutter lens?


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Terry, I bought a 90LS not long ago that had a similar problem.

When the dealer attached his PC cord to the 90LS the flash would

always fire, but when I attached mine the flash wouldn't fire. Some

PC cords have bigger center holes than others, and mine was larger

than his, thus not making good contact with the small PC pin on the

90LS. I found that if I put sideways pressure on the PC connector

with my finger and trip the shutter, then the flash would fire. I

decided to gently bend the PC pin on the lens sideways with a small

screwdriver. Now the pin makes contact with the PC cord and it has

worked ever since. I hope yours turns out to be this simple. Bob

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It is very likely a problem with the connection. Either the PC socket

on the lens has an enlarged hole due to usage or the PC cable pin is

too thin. It is likely to be the enlarged hole but there's a

possibility its the PC cord, try a different one. I have a brand new

PC cord that does not work with the P67II's PC connector because the

pin is too thin. As already suggested try bending the pin slightly.

Also I read somewhere on the Pentax website that the only thing that

is not serviceable on the 90LS is the shutter but everything else is

still serviceable.

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Before you proceed try another test to ensure both your flash and PC

cord is OK. Turn on your flash and connect the PC cord to it. At the

other end of the PC cord short the center pin to the outer metal

sleeve using maybe a paper clip. Your flash should fire. If it does

then its the lens. I too have though of opening my 90LS to inspect the

shutter and remove dust but taking apart lenses scares the hell out of

me. Good luck...let us known how it turned out.

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