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Losing metadata with DPP


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After trying the various RAW converters, I find, for me, Canon's DPP v.

gives the right quality/workflow ratio. In the field, I transfer the contents

of my storage media to my laptop, then enter, using Adobe Bridge, the various

user-generated metadata -- title, author, description, keywords, copyright,

contact. When I used Bridge to convert, all that data was still there when the

images opened in Photoshop CS2, saving enormous amounts of time. But now that I

convert using DPP, all my entered metadata is, when I open in Photoshop,

shazam, gone, along with much of the camera-generated date (like lens name).

When I go back to Bridge, it's all still there. I can find no setting on DPP to

correct that, and in the Help file the world metadata doesn't exist. Anyone

else have this problem?

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I asked canon support about it and they, in their usual completely unhelpful and totally useless way, gave me some rubbish about EXIF data being *unavoidably* lost during conversion. Like what I wanted was totally unreasonable. My problem was DPP throwing away lens data which I wanted to use for applying lens correction automatically. The fix was to write a script which uses exiftool to grab the information I want out of the CR2 file and put it in the converted JPEG file. It wasn't as easy as it sounds, but it worked.
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Bridge to DPP: Adobe Bridge stores metadata in a sidecar file that will not be read by the Canon software.


DPP to Bridge: I'm not familiar with how DPP stores metadata, but this seems to be a serious limitation.


I use the Photoshop for RAW conversions, and iView Media Pro for cataloging - these two pieces of software play well together as far as metadata goes. I highly recommend Peter Krogh's "The DAM Book" for more information about workflow, including metadata issues. http://www.thedambook.com

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