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Panoramic HDR workflow

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I am interested in doing panoramic HDR shots with my XT. I have good

experience putting together "normal" panos using software called

panostich (might not be the best out there but I learned it quickly

and am happy with the results--for now) and have just gotten into

the (what i feel is amazing) world of HDR using CS2 and and

Photomatix. I also practice good photographic technique, mlu,

tripod, raw, tiff etc.


My question is this: What workflow would you suggest for making hdr

panoramas like the ones seen here:

http://www.hdrsoft.com/examples.html (6th one down). (A) Stich the

panos first and then HDR them, or (B) HDR each "frame" of the pano

and then stich. I am leaning towards (A) because I know panostich

doesnt support HDR images directly so I would have to tone map

before hand and this might get messy.


Basically, I am just looking for a confirmation of my feelings on

these issues, and any advice from any one who has attempted this





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Based on my experience with Panorama Factory, I suggest that it is best to create the HDR images separately, then adjust and then create 8 or 16 bit copies, depending on your stitcher's capabilities. The variability of one panorama version to the next would make the HDR merge more difficult to do without artifacts.


The stitcher makes certain decisions on distorting the images (to cylindrical projection), where to overlap and how to blend. You could do this manually, of course, but the results would still not be perfectly reproducible. A good stitcher also makes adjustments to exposure and fine tunes the results.

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When using Photoshop for the end to end process, I have found this sequence to work.


1. Convert all RAW images to be used into 8-bit TIFFs.

2. Create the HDR images from the exposure bracketed TIFFs.

3. Convert the HDR images to 8-bit TIFFs.

4. Assemble to panorama.


Photoshop crashes when I attempt to go directly from RAW to HDR.

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Thanks for the responses. I did a trial run of my backyard, and got results I am happy with. Edward, I took your advice and went HDR first then pano. The actual frames looked very different exposure and contrast wise (I am not too framiliar with tone mapping so this was probably the problem), but after i stiched--tried using Panorama Factory, and was impressed--the software blended these issues very well. I've attached the results here, the LDR one first and then the HDR. I am going to try pano then HDR just for giggles and post that as well. Thanks again!<div>00G6dI-29509084.jpg.fcf08e9b4f7774f16f0c36c8dbd6910f.jpg</div>
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